
EMES launched podcasts on Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers whose goal has been so far to gradually build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around our “SE” concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy, and social innovation.

Podcasts have proven to be a unique tool for expanding knowledge about specific topics. Within the #EmpowerSE_EU Action, we are producing the #EmpowerSEpodcast series that offer a unique insight into the work that this large community of international researchers is achieving together (over 300 researchers have participated in the Action so far!).

Whether you are teaching, researching or raising awareness around #socialenterprise#socialeconomy#socialandsolidarityeconomy#socialentrepreneurship this podcast is for you.

The first chapter of the series focus on the work carried out around the theoretical foundations of SE. Our researchers Jacques Defourny (BE), Melinda Mihály (HU) and Yulia Aray (RU) are the incredible researchers sharing their voice and knowledge on the topic with us. We thank them and all the #EmpowerSEcommunity for their enthusiasm and input.

Thanks to our podcast producer, Andrea Barbosa and the #EMESCoordinatioUnit

You can find the podcasts here:

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