
SPOKO – Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy in Poland

Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy.


SPOKO is a new project on the social and business market of Pomerania. It was created out of the need to help others and support the activities of non-governmental organizations that engage in the creation of the social economy sector. The gift sets we offer are minimalistic and ecological boxes. In each of them we have packed the highest quality products manufactured by local suppliers and craftsmen.

You will find there carefully selected food products and unique handicraft articles from our region. The offer includes 3 collections of sets, matching your needs: blue, black and red. In this way you have the opportunity to use the varied product compositions, matching them to your business objectives.


We are going  to expand our offer constantly, thanks to which the Pomeranian market will be given greater choice. Thus, we will be able to help more social economy entities.

We make every effort to ensure that the products included in the boxes that we offer, meet the highest expectations, which is why we personally test them and analyse the method of production.

Our activities within the SPOKO project are not aimed at making a profit, but at increasing the possibilities and scope of the project’s operation.

Each company that supports our project by purchasing boxes  is admitted to the group of SPOKO Companies.

The first ambassadors of the project were the Marshal of Pomeranian Voivodeship  Mieczysław Struk and the President of Pomerania Employers.


Each company that supports our project by purchasing boxes is admitted to the group of SPOKO Companies. Thanks to this, it creates an elite group of entities that support the local social economy and has a real impact on the economic development of Pomerania.

By receiving the certificate – SPOKO Company, you become a part of those entities in our region that communicate to their partners, customers or employees that their practices go far beyond strictly business activities. It is proof of high social empathy and awareness of trends in today’s economy. It also simply shows that for your company other people are important, and thanks to a joint effort, we can create and develop business and social relations in Pomerania.


We make every effort to ensure that the products included in the boxes that we offer, meet the highest expectations, which is why we personally test them and analyse the method of production.  We have identified a few values that should be reflected in the policy of our suppliers. First of all, we want them to act socially, locally and produce in accordance with natural methods. We also offer support to regional, craft businesses that use traditional ingredients from our region.

Each product in our boxes carries a story of the people who created it. It is of the highest quality, has all the necessary certificates and meets high market standards.

Look who we’re working with:

jasna spółdzielnia lodziarska dostawca SPOKO
Spółdzielnia Lodziarska JasnaSpółdzielnia Lodziarska Jasna was established on 1 July 2018. During the season it produces and sells natural ice cream, and during the off-season it produces, decorates and packs gingerbread. It employs people with disabilities and socially excluded.

kacze bagno dostawca SPOKO
Spółdzielnia Socjalna Kacze BagnoSpółdzielnia Socjalna Kacze Bagno was established in 2014 and deals with conducting educational activities for children, youth and adults. The ceramic workshop is not only a work space, but also a place where hand-made ornaments are made.

fundacja sprawni inaczej dostawca SPOKO
Fundacja Sprawni InaczejSprawni Inaczej  Foundation has existed since 1989. It helps people with disabilities, conducts activities aimed at the local community and is active in volunteering. The main  activities of the Foundation are: therapy, rehabilitation, care activities, integration and professional activation of adults with disabilities or finally the development and promotion of their creativity.

mazurskie słoiki dostawca SPOKO
Spółdzielnia Socjalna NegocjatorMazurskie Słoiki is a brand of the Spółdzielnia Socjalna  Negocjator, which offers high quality local products such as jam, juices and syrups produced in a traditional way.  Besides, the cooperative launched a Pump Room Herbs at the Ostróda Castle and in Olsztynek.

fundacja wspólnota burego misia dostawca SPOKO
Fundacja Wspólnota Burego MisiaThe Foundation was established in 1989 and its aim is to provide shelter, care, rehabilitation and recreation to people with intellectual and physical disabilities. In order to finance these activities, they offer high quality natural products made in a traditional way.

przystanek alaska dostawca SPOKO
Przystanek AlaskaIt is a young Social Enterprise operating since 2019. It deals with tailoring and providing services in the field of making advertising gadgets. In addition, they offer computer embroidery, prints on clothing and cups.

stacja mikrostyk dostawca SPOKO
Stacja MikrostykStacja Mikrostyk is a project implemented by the Stacja Mikrostyk Foundation and its partners. It is a new cultural space open to everyone in the form of a container town with an attractive area, stage, bar and beautiful infrastructure. Part of this initiative is the U-Bijou project, which produces beautiful jewellery from upcycling materials.

kraina skrwy – manufaktura zdrowia dostawca SPOKO
Kraina Skrwy – Manufaktura ZdrowiaKraina Skrwy Manufaktura Zdrowia is a social enterprise, which was established in August 2018. Their activity is based on the production of syrups from old varieties of shrubs, fruit teas and herbal droughts from certified farms. The company employs local staff, including one person Qith disabilities, and organises workshops and study visits.

browar spółdzielczy dostawca SPOKO
Browar SpółdzielczyThe Browar Spółdzielczy is brewed in a traditional small brewery in Puck. It operates within the DALBA Social Cooperative, whose employees are disabled people. The brewery was established out of the need of heart, enthusiasm, determination and passion. It is the only cooperative brewery in Poland.

fundacja rozwoju regionu gołdap dostwca SPOKO
Fundacja Rozwoju Regionu GołdapThe Foundation for the Development of the Goldap Region was established in 1997. Its mission is to support and promote all economic, cultural and educational projects aimed at the development and activation of the region. The Foundation offers advertising gadgets, printing services and computer embroidery and runs the Goldap Scholarship Fund – supporting people from the Goldap region attending secondary schools.

teodoryk – wioska mydlarska dostawca SPOKO
Teodoryk – Wioska MydlarskaThe Wioska Mydlarska is located in the village of Fiałki, beautifully situated among hills, fields and forests. The place functions in harmony with nature, and visitors have the opportunity to take part in oil and herbal workshops, soap production and learning about old washing techniques.

ciekawa kawiarnia dostawca SPOKO
cieKAWA KawiarniaThe cieKAWA Cafe is part of the Interesting Social Cooperative. It is a place co-created with people with intellectual disabilities. In addition to kitchen products, the café offers fresh sandwiches, coffee, tea and fresh juices. In the premises, there is a showcase where hand-made products made by people excluded from other therapeutic facilities will be sold.

fundacja schronisko dla roślin dostawca SPOKO
Fundacja Schronisko dla RoślinThe Foundation was established in 2015 and its idea is to draw attention to the problem of plant objectification. The Foundation organizes workshops on the creation of handicraft on plant themes, lectures on plant care, educational lessons for children, plant exchangers, corporate events, concerts, plant sounds, urban floraria and plant fairs throughout Poland.

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