Should you “internationalise” your social enterprise?

The pioneer Post recently published an interesting article on the internationalisation of social enterprises. Here is a short excerpt and lin to the full article: Social entrepreneurs are great at tackling locally-rooted problems – but they may be overlooking opportunities to grow and develop if they’re not considering overseas markets. Research suggests much more support…

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Reconfiguring the social and solidarity economy in a Danish/ Nordic welfare context

When looking at definitions and understandings of the social and solidarity economy, one issue stands out as particularly significant. The issue of how it links to organizational (micro and meso level dimensions) and societal specificities. Whereas social enterprise also in the EMES ideal-typical version (Borzaga & Defourny, 2001) is only indirectly linked to a Polanyian framework…

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Impact investing for climate change

As maintained in a report recently issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD, 2017], policies on climate changes are key for development and growth, as are structural reforms and environmental investments. The combination of these three elements is crucial to promote inclusive and sustainable growth, contributing to the increase in market competition…

Storsatsning på social innovation

Mötesplats Social Innovation, MSI skalas upp och etableras över hela landet. Luleå tekniska universitet, Jönköping University, Malmö universitet, Stockholms universitet, Umeå universitet och Örebro universitet är huvudparter för etableringen som genomförs med stöd av Vinnova, Sveriges innovationsmyndighet. Plattformen ska öka kunskapen och skapa mötesarenor för att främja social innovation, socialt entreprenörskap och socialt företagande. De sex lärosätena kommer att…

Vaikuttavuuden bootcamp- ohjelma 2019 (Impact bootcamp for Finnish social enterprises)

Vaikuttavuuden bootcamp- ohjelma 2019 (Impact bootcamp for Finnish social enterprises)

Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra organizes impact bootcamps for Finnish social enterprises during spring 2019. Bootcamps are a continuation program for previous year’s impact accelerators. The programs consists of 3 workshops: Basics of impact  – Feb 28th Measuring impact – March 28th Impact-driven business development – May 5th. Workshops are held in Finnish. Ask for more…

3 business model options for an impact start-up, explained

3 business model options for an impact start-up, explained

You have an idea for an impact business, but don’t quite know how to take it forward? CauseArtist  has compiled a nice article that explains, with examples, how you can use Non-profit model For-profit social enterprise model, or Cooperative model for taking your idea forward. Read the  original article: What Social Impact Business Model is Right for…

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Socialinis verslas (angl. social entreprise) – verslo modelis, pagal kurį, išnaudojant rinkos mechanizmą, pelno siekimas susiejamas su visuomenei naudingais tikslais ir prioritetais, remiamasi socialiai atsakingo verslo bei viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės nuostatomis, taikomos socialinės inovacijos. Pagal socialinio verslo gaires remiantis Lietuvos kaimo plėtros 2014-2020 m. programa: Nevyriausybinių organizacijų ir socialinio verslo skirtumai pasireiškia:  socialinio verslo…

The European Social Fund Youth Employment Thematic Network visited the ‘So Stay’ work integration enterprise in Gdańsk, Poland. Learn more about their work!

The European Social Fund Youth Employment Thematic Network visited the ‘So Stay’ work integration enterprise in Gdańsk, Poland on 21 February 2018. This animated film describes the problem of unemployment among young care leavers, and how this hotel enterprise addresses it.   This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project…