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Monthly Archives: February 2020


EU Support to Incubators for inclusive and social entrepreneurship

EU launched a call for proposals to support incubators for inclusive and social [...]

There is a different phenomenon occurring: Instead of technology innovation being the driver for startups, it is more frequently business model innovation.

In the past most startups occurred because a new technology had come along [...]

Do you already use social media to spread your good?

Hey social entrepreneur! Are you already using the power of social media to [...]

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It matters how your business model and mission statement is articulated

Scholars from Lappeenranta University have been researching social enterprise business models for years. [...]

Why values are important

Why are values important because they define you (and your social enterprise). They [...]

How to Stop Procrastination: A social entrepreneur’s toolkit

How to stop procrastination? Through action. Procrastination is the child of endless excuses [...]

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

During the webinar, the guidelines and recommendations of the amended program of assistance for [...]

New kid on the block – Monday.com from Israel changes team work

Today we are going to review Monday.com, a work collaboration tool and project management software for all kinds of teams. I have used Monday.com earlier to manage projects, and have seen teams grow comfortable as they use the platform to collaborate. Formerly known as DaPulse, Monday.com rebranded itself in 2017 to give the platform a new look and experience. I guess it serves right that we do a review of Monday.Com. Especially for any company that just rebranded its major product, a re-review is always due. […]

The Rise of Hybrids

The Rise of Hybrids: A Note for Social Entrepreneurship Educators is a new [...]

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