
European social economy regions pilot (ESER)

European Commission launched the European social economy regions pilot (ESER) in February 2018. It aims to raise visibility and awareness about the social economy at the regional and local level. ESER supports regional authorities that organise awareness-raising events. There, we encourage regional social economy stakeholders (regional/local public authorities, SMEs, social enterprises etc.) to build active networks. Between 2018-2020, the ESER initiative generated more than 100 new regional and local partnerships, without any financial support from the European Commission.

The recently launched ESER 2020 attracted many regional and local social economy stakeholders who will organise awareness-raising events during 2020. In addition to previous years, the 2020 edition offered regions and cities that already played an active role in 2018/2019, the opportunity to raise their awareness-raising activities to the next level. The ESER 2.0 component motivated many ESER partners to come up with innovative proposals. This led to partners involving citizens in regional debates about the social economy or joining forces with neighbouring regions and cities, further developing the interregional dimension.
More than 30 regions and cities from EU countries and COSME third countries applied for ESER 2020.

During the European Social Economy Summit in Mannheim (26-27 November), regional and local social economy stakeholders (the ESER partners) have another opportunity to share knowledge and table proposals/recommendations for social economy policies.
See the ESER 2020 official partners.

We hope that the presented educational material will encourage you to start your social economy-related activity in the Baltic Sea Region or the EU. If you wish to know more about our “InDigiSE” Erasmus+ project or you would like to your social business initiative to be promoted on the website, just let us know. You can contact BISER Team or any other IndigiSe partner in your area https://socialenterprisebsr.net/partners/. You can read more about the project here: https://biser-en.org.pl/indigise-project-adjusting-to-and-supporting-youth-on-socialenterprisebsr-net/

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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