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Models for scaling the impact of youth entrepreneurship programmes

Youth entrepreneurship is recognised as a crucial driver for sustainable economic development, therefore has being promoted for the last decade. However, youth unemployement rates still demonstrated the need for scaling the impact of youth entrepreneurship programmes to fulfil the potential of young people and help them to create jobs, build communities and transform lives.

Scaling of social impact in entrepreneurship has been defined by John Kalafatas (Duke University)* as

“the process of increasing positive social impact to better correspond to the magnitude of the identified social need”.

The process itself sets the folowing targets:

  • Increasing quantity and/or quality of impact;
  • Diversifying communities served;
  • Diversifying services offered;
  • Expanding geographically;
  • Promoting a model;
  • Influencing public policy;
  • Establishing a social movement;
  • Changing/creating markets.

This Report “Models for scaling the impact of youth entrepreneurship programmes” brings together experiences scaling entrepreneurship programmes within and outside of the YBI network, in order to provide valuable insights for organisations wishing to scale their impact. It summarises different strategies and models for scaling entrepreneurship programmes, and the success factors, challenges and lessons learned to be taken into consideration with each strategy. It provides an overview of scaling frameworks and models, together with a set of case studies of scaling strategies applied by organisations within and outside the Youth Business International (YBI) network.

Different models for scaling and replication are introduced by means of frameworks developed by innovation and scaling experts Nesta and Spring Impact (formerly known as the International Centre for Social Franchising). These provide a helpful categorization of the options according to 1) the amount of control versus flexibility inherent in the selected model, and 2) the type and purpose of partnerships developed. A 10-step framework for organisations wishing to develop a scaling strategy is also included (see p.22).




About the authors

Youth Business International is a global network of expert organisations in over 50 countries supporting underserved young people to turn their ideas into successful businesses, creating jobs and strengthening communities. YBI connects and supports member expert organisations, partners and young people to develop and scale new solutions to the critical challenges facing underserved young entrepreneurs. As a result, member organisations of different profiles deliver better quality support to more young people through sector-leading solutions and products.

Each year YBI members support young people across the world to realise their entrepreneurial potential. Success stories are collected on YBI website to inspire young people across the world to take steps further entrepreneurial activity and social impact.

* Kalafatas, J. (2015). Approaches to Scaling Social Impact. Duke: The Fuqua School of Business. Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship



This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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