Gamified Tool to Learn What The Theory of Change Is All About
The Theory of Change is a premier e-learning tool to optimise impact management and enhance social impact creation. As the cornerstone of impact management it is indispensable to any purpose-driven organisation targeting social or environmental value creation. It offers you the cornerstone of a learning approach toward change and impact. A way to build a mindset and organisational culture of critical reflection, co-creation with stakeholders and constant analysis of what works, why, for whom and under what circumstances.
The platform offers you the premier online course to learn about:
- What the Theory of Change is
- The practice of the Theory of Change
- Theory of Change thinking
- Assumptions and theory
- The development process
- Pathways and causal chains
- Theory of Change elements
- The narrative
- ToC as an adaptive, learning approach
- Quality assessment
- Creation of your very own Theory of Change
The tool is developed and maintained by the team behind Changeroo: a consortium at the forefront of ToC-thinking. Changeroo is a social enterprise with the aim to lift the ToC-practice and thereby impact management to a higher level. This with the purpose to help you in your pursuit to help your beneficiaries to flourish. Also, it offers software platform to help you build high-quality Theories of Change. The software is adjusted to the organisations, programs and projects with a social mission. It makes a Theory of Change a living, breathing document for (adaptive) learning.
Learn more about Changeroo and The Theory of Change.
This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.