Polish – Lithuanian project is the official partner for the European Social Economy Region Initiative 2021
The Interreg V-A Lithuania – Poland project „Partnership. Entrepreneurship. Action“ has been selected as one of the official European Commission European Social Economy Regions initiative (ESER) 2021 partners. Project partners from Poland represent Warmia and Masuria region.
The Project aims to support underserved young entrepreneurs (16 – 29 years) to start, grow and sustain their businesses – enabling them to create jobs, build communities and transform lives. The Lead Beneficiary of the project is the Lazdijai District Municipality Administration, other beneficiaries – the Orzysz municipality and the Tykocin municipality.
The closest Project event, benefiting from the ESER partnership will be the festival “Building a cross-border business” foreseen for 6-7th August, at which the European Commission expert will contribute with presentation/intervention. The Festival will be organized in the Lazdijai district with a total of expected guests 300. For more information on the event, please, follow our Programme’s Facebook http://bit.ly/38bCERQ and Lazdijai municipality web page https://www.lazdijai.lt/
The key objective of the ESER initiative – to raise awareness of the social economy at the regional and local level and build regional networks of social economy stakeholders. The ESER community actively contributes to the co-design and co-construction of EU policies in the field of social economy. More information on the ESER https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/display/SEC/ESER+-+European+Social+Economy+Regions
Warmia and Masuria region will be supported by the WAMA-COOP Association form Olsztyn- see more here: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/display/SEC/Poland%3A+Warmian+and+Masurian+Region
This publication has been prepared within SENBS project No. 2020- 1-EE01-KA204-077999. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.