The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth
‘The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth’ is a material developed in 2015, just after the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed on to follow by 2030. Although some time has passed, this resource still constitutes a valuable document to be studied by children and young people, as well as youth workers to learn and teach about the SDGs. It motivates young people to think about how these goals can be incorporated into everyday lives and how key local, national, and global issues can be supported for sustainable development.
How to use this pack
This resource introduces the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. You are free to use the activities to explore human/youth/children’s rights issues, particularly those in the news or issues that you have already been working on with your group.
Each activity has a suggested age range. It is recommended to read all proposed activities and decide on which ones are appropriate to your group. Some activities can be split and the first part carried out with younger age-groups.
Each activity has some suggested questions for a final debrief with the group, but you may find it useful to check in with your groups more frequently during the activities depending on your participants.
Some issues may be sensitive among members of your group. Check through the full activity before choosing it, and also be aware of the reactions among members of your group.
There are fact boxes entitled ‘Did You Know?’ which accompany many activities and include supporting information. You can read these aloud, copy and hand them out to participants or display them in your group.
You can start with activity one and work your way through the pack. Or, you can pick and choose activities according to the interests of your group or the time and resources available.
Adapt the activities to suit your group’s needs. The important thing is to have everyone discussing and questioning what is happening in the world and how fair or unfair it is, and create a greater understanding of the links between Ireland and developing countries and how young people can bring about change.