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Social Enterprises in Rural Areas A Comparative Study of the Baltic States

This article provides a cross-case analysis of rural social enterprises from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Social enterprises seek to produce goods and services with a social or environmental purpose, and they pursue the general interest of local communities, people and/or social groups. The orientation towards the public good does not imply that social enterprises do not undertake strategies to achieve economic and financial efficiency; on the contrary, they must constantly create economic value to guarantee their survival over time. The successful operation of rural social enterprises is highly dependent on their relationships with their stakeholders. Many interest groups can indeed be involved in social enterprises; they can be divided into external stakeholders and internal stakeholders. Rural emigration and migration to cities is a major issue in the three countries, following the economic and social changes of the 1990s.

By:Roger Evans, Mervi Raudsaar, Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe, Eglė Butkevičienė, Philipp Erpf, Audronė Urmanavičienė, Agota Giedrė Raišienė
Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2021
Imprint Routledge
Pages – 21; eBook ISBN9780429324529

This publication has been prepared within SENBS project No. 2020- 1-EE01-KA204-077999. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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