
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Dar kartą apie socialinį verslą – 7 socialinio verslo principus

Socialinis verslumas yra palyginti naujas terminas. Jis buvo pradėtas naudoti vos prieš kelis [...]

The change makers

Social entrepreneurs are also known as change makers. Why? What makes a social [...]

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Pay as you go solar solution is expanding in Africa

This month marks nine years since Jesse Moore and Nick Hughes first sketched [...]

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Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship axis of EaSI

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project [...]

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SIT 2019: Europe’s 15 best social entrepreneurs selected

If you can create an impact you must. Fifteen finalists have been selected [...]

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Finding money to start a social enteprise

Recently we came across a handy article by Alastair Wilson from the School [...]

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Success story:

“It is impossible to plan everything for the journey ahead so go with [...]

The world’s school for social enterprise

Have you ever heard of Social Enterprise Institute, The world’s school for social [...]

Social business policy in Lithuania

The business environment constitutes one of the essential elements of the country’s competitiveness. The [...]

Latvian and Estonian social and creative entrepreneurs meet at a market fair

Promoting products on various internet platforms and social media channels has become a [...]

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