“Building Social Business” – Muhammad Yunus
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“Building Social Business” – Muhammad Yunus

What is social business? And how is it different from Social Enterprise? The term “social business” in European literature has no distinction between social enterprise and social business – they use the term interchangeably. For our purposes we have chosen to make a distinction between social enterprise and social business: the business model that Muhammad…

Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise
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Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise

Though Australia seems far far away for the Baltic and Nordic countries, why not learn from the best practice they share and see how it’s done in the  Land Of The Kangaroo?  Read this excellent article in The Guardian and explore how social enterprise is empowering communities and the impact it is having on Australia’s economy. This publication is published…

Apie socialinį verslą lietuvoje
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Apie socialinį verslą lietuvoje

Socialiniam verslui būdingas labai platus veiklos spektras. ES valstybėse narėse socialinis verslas dažniausiai veikia trijose srityse: integracijos į darbo rinką, asmeninių paslaugų ir socialiai atskirtų vietovių vystymo bei aplinkosaugos. Atsižvelgiant į socialinės ekonomikos raidos tendencijas ES, socialinio verslo plėtra Lietuvoje taip pat turėtų vykti šiomis kryptimis – skatinant tradicinį privatų verslą įsitraukti sprendžiant socialines problemas…

CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village
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CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village

Cocco Bello produces organic creamed honey in a small village in the Ural mountains (Russia), where locals cultivate bees and hand-pick wild berries. Cocco Bello has won the Social Impact Award (Russia) for the project of revival of the small village and the great advocacy for social entrepreneurship. The project contributes to developing the community Malyi…

Eurocities: The role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship

Eurocities: The role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship

EUROCITIES has prepared a publication on the role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship. The report has analyzed good practices from 11 cities across the EU, among those Goteborg and Malmö.  The report looks into the tools cities use to promote support the social economy – funding, network of social economy actors, infrastructure and impact…

Trajectory for a social business
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Trajectory for a social business

The largest Russian bank Sberbank has opened the web-portal for entrepreneurs “Delovaja sreda” (Business environment). It consists of a lot of business-related articles, educational materials and reports, both text and video. For social start-ups, it will be useful to go through the describing of the trajectory of setting up the social business. The best experts…

Ideas for social businesses
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Ideas for social businesses

Russian foundation “Our future” has opened the online platform to collect and share the ideas of social business. Any start-up or company can list their information on a project idea, business model, prototypes and results. Portal experts select projects to share best cases, assist networking and community building. Social entrepreneurs may use the portal also as an…

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Social entrepreneurship in Russia

The overview from Gendirector (CEO) magazine covers the general concept of social entrepreneurship in the Russian context. Starting from definitions, the article continues with the examples of business models and ideas for business for Russian startups. Gendirector also discusses how to measure the impact of social investments as well as where to get financing and consulting services for…