Doctoral dissertation: Debunking the heroic social entrepreneurship myth

Doctoral dissertation: Debunking the heroic social entrepreneurship myth

Social entrepreneurship is about mundane work and not about heroism, argues Eeva Houtbeckers in her dissertation that was defended on 28th of October. Social entrepreneurship has been developed as a reaction to “conventional” entrepreneurship, which is connected with maximising profits and taking risks. The uncritical understanding of social entrepreneurship repeats the myth of a heroic…

First partnership between UK bank and Crowdfunding portal

First partnership between UK bank and Crowdfunding portal

Santander teams up withcrowdfunding platform Crowdfunder to launch new £200,000 fund to support social enterprises and community projects across the UK This means that innovative community projects, that support social change, are now able to present their ideas on and unlock matched funding of up to £10k from Santander’s new Changemaker Fund. The new…

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises – Nordic Perspectives

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises – Nordic Perspectives

”Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises – Nordic Perspectives” is a new book on social enterprises in a particular Nordic perspective. The book is edited by professor Linda Lundgaard Andersen and Roger Spear from Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Roskilde University and Marlin Gawell from Södertörns högskola in Stockholm. Migrant women stepping into ethnic catering; homeless…

Policy brief on scaling the impact of social enterprises

Policy brief on scaling the impact of social enterprises

A new  policy brief on strategies and policies to scale the social impact of social enterprises has been produced within a multiannual cooperation between the LEED programme of the OECD and the Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission. The brief explaining what a social enterprise is and what scaling means in…

What would happen if we support circular economy with tax exemptions? Look at Sweden

What would happen if we support circular economy with tax exemptions? Look at Sweden

Can you imagine the new opportunities for the social enterprises in the circular economy sector if some other countries would follow the Sweden’s lead to make certain services VAT exempt? Would you stop throwing things away and get them repaired instead, if it were cheaper to do so? This is the qustions being asked and…

Development of methodology and training for social entrepreneurship awareness and promotion in Latvia

Development of methodology and training for social entrepreneurship awareness and promotion in Latvia

A number of non-governmental organizations (including Social innovation centre), companies will prepare two methodologies and train the Ministry of Welfare and financial institutions “Altum” employees on how to recognize and promote social enterprises in Latvia. Two methodologies will be developed, based on public tendering process: – Selection criteria and the application of the methodology for…