EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

The President of the Commission mandated the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, with developing a European Action Plan for Social Economy. The 2021 Commission Work Programme announced that the publication date for the Action Plan would be the fourth quarter of 2021. It also highlights that the Action Plan will enhance social investment, support social economy…

Read the latest guidelines “How to stimulate social entrepreneurship via non-formal and informal learning methods”
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Read the latest guidelines “How to stimulate social entrepreneurship via non-formal and informal learning methods”

Although young people constitute a substantial part of citizens worldwide, they are not fully recognised in policies and strategies, as a separate group of interest. They play a crucial role in societal and economic development and are often referred to as „agents of change“. Simultaneously, the unemployment of youth is one of the greatest global challenges. Social entrepreneurship is…

Social Economy mainstreamed into the ESF Plus & the ERDF

Social Economy mainstreamed into the ESF Plus & the ERDF

Important information coming from the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and European Regional Development Fund. Click on links to read full documents. ESF Plus Regulation, approved yesterday, states:  Social economy enterprises could play a key role in delivering on social innovation and contributing to economic and social resilience. The definition of a social economy enterprise should…

Financing the social economy in Poland – Updated case study April 2021

Financing the social economy in Poland – Updated case study April 2021

European Commission, together with the European Investment Bank and FI.Compas has prepared the latest version of the report presenting the financial landscape for social economy actors in Poland. From the Fi.Compass website: Financial instruments under ESF have long been supporting Social Economy Enterprises in Poland. This updated case study focuses on the National Fund for…

EU Study: “Making Socially Responsible Public Procurement Work: 71 Good Practice Cases” #WeBuySocialEU
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EU Study: “Making Socially Responsible Public Procurement Work: 71 Good Practice Cases” #WeBuySocialEU

Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. Procurement affects a large number of people, whether as users of public services, those involved in production and delivery, or staff of the buying organisation. Beyond those directly affected, SRPP has the potential to influence the broader market on both the…

Social enterprise finance market: analysis and recommendations for delivery options
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Social enterprise finance market: analysis and recommendations for delivery options

This report by EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion provides a technical analysis of the finance market for social enterprises. It identifies market failures and funding gaps in social enterprise finance and proposes delivery options for the future EU level financial instruments. You can read it here: Or download directly from…

In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment versus an opportunity!
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In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment versus an opportunity!

Inspiration from France! In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment versus an opportunity – La Loi Pacte was amended to encourage companies to be more social. Last year, in collaboration with Dealroom, this report proposed a methodology to measure entrepreneurial activity and capital invested into purpose-driven tech companies across Europe. This was…

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow. Together with governments, policy makers and…

Listen and learn – podcast “Social Economy for the full Inclusion of People with Disabilities”
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Listen and learn – podcast “Social Economy for the full Inclusion of People with Disabilities”

Welcome to “Social Economy Talks”, a new podcast from Social Economy Europe about the most relevant upcoming issues in the social economy sphere. This is yet another chance to learn from the best practitioners and experts on social economy in Europe! It will follow a journey of discovery (narrated by team member Nicholas Clark) aimed at…

19 EU states signed Toledo Declaration promoting social and solidarity economy
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19 EU states signed Toledo Declaration promoting social and solidarity economy

In December 2020 the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy organised a summit in Toledo. Nineteen EU member states have committed to promoting the social and solidarity economy through, during a summit organised by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy. The European confederation of industrial and service co-operatives (Cecop) welcomed the Toledo Declaration,…