
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


The European Social Innovation Toolkit

The European Social Innovation Toolkit aims to support social innovators all across Europe [...]

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Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux

When running your social enterprise, have you ever wondered if there is a [...]

How to Start a Social Purpose Business

Take a look at our 10-step framework for starting up a Social Purpose [...]

The Platform Design Toolkit 2.0

The new tool has been published to assist entrepreneurs and organizations to look [...]

Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot

Roman Aranin is a social entrepreneur from Kaliningrad (Russia). In the past, a [...]

Support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region

Download here paper written by Renate Lukjanska (Rezekne Academy of Technologies), Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło (Uniwersytet Gdañski) [...]

ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?

Read here the newest educational material - "ToolKit: how to promote social economy [...]

SAMforSE – A Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs

The buzz is steadily increasing about tools that measure the impact of social [...]

Publication “Thematic Cluster on Social Inclusion”

Recently the European Commission has released a publication about the use of EU-Funds for Social [...]

Game Changers and Transformative Social Innovation. The Case of the Economic Crisis and the New Economy

ABSTRACT This paper discusses transformative social innovation, conceptualised as the process through which [...]