eBOOK  Envisioning the Future of Learning for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
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Envisioning the Future of Learning for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

For two years consortium of Erasmus+ VISION project have been working on useful outcomes, and the project concluded in the last December. Proudly they are presenting an outcome of the project – a book that has just been released for broader audiences. ‘Envisioning the Future of Learning for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be available in e-Book format free…

The State of Social Enterprise in Europe 2020-2021
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The State of Social Enterprise in Europe 2020-2021

  The European Social Entrepreneurship Monitor is the only internationally recognized survey on social entrepreneurship that helps bring the needs and aspirations of companies leading to positive change in society into both local and international policy-making. A report on social enterprises participating in the Estonian survey conducted in 2020 has been completed, as well as…

“Empowering self-employability potentials through start-ups and SMEs”

“Empowering self-employability potentials through start-ups and SMEs”

Development of the Innovation Management and Utilization in New Entrepreneurs and Adult Education Ecosystem and Methodological Framework (eBook) is part of the project results of UInno’s project “Up-Skilling unemployed and low skilled workers by selfcentred innovation approaches, to empower their self-employability potentials through start-ups and SMEs”. Project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus +…

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Personal Strength and Weakness Assessment Checklist

The Personal Strength and Weakness Assessment Checklist will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses by asking you to rate yourself in several areas that are important to small business ownership. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is important because (1) it can tell you whether you’re ready to start a small business, (2) in choosing a new…

Good Practices on Workplace Innovation for (SMEs) Small and medium-sized enterprises
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Good Practices on Workplace Innovation for (SMEs) Small and medium-sized enterprises

The  Online Manual of Good Practices on Workplace Innovation is a useful tool for those SMEs that need practical advice on possible innovation actions to implement within their companies to improve their organisational processes and increase their competitiveness. It will include inspiring case studies to give an idea to SMEs owners and employees on possible concrete actions to…

“Manual on social entrepreneurship”
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“Manual on social entrepreneurship”

This manual contains the results of the comparative study in Europe on success stories of Social Entreprises with a significant social impact on the territories in which they operate. It will also provide information about the methods of approach and teaching to young people, in particular disadvantaged young people, on how to start a startup,…

European social entrepreneur and ESE – Operational course for social innovation
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European social entrepreneur and ESE – Operational course for social innovation

The European Social Entrepreneur -ESE project coordinated by CO-LABORY During its implementation, project’s participants produced a high-quality materials and provided the best possible education for trainers, staff of participating organizations, and young people in disadvantaged situations. ESE – Operational course for social innovation As the project results an online platform  was developed containing training material on…



The project will bring together 6 partners from different countries wishing to promote SE, self employment through raising awareness on social issues, strengthening young people participation and helping them to become responsible active members of our society by enriching their competences. SE4You (Social Entrepreneurship for youth) aims to support young people who want to learn and…

11 Strategies For Activating People As Contributors In Creating Social Impact – The Unlonely Planet 2022 Study
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11 Strategies For Activating People As Contributors In Creating Social Impact – The Unlonely Planet 2022 Study

BACKGROUND INFORMATION ABOUT ASHOKA Ashoka identifies and supports the world’s leading social entrepreneurs, learns from the patterns in their innovations, and mobilizes a global community that embraces these new frameworks to build an “everyone a changemaker world.” Read about Ashoka’s theory of change for this historic moment, the new inequality, and the new framework that they require. ABOUT…