
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Knowledge library linking social innovators and other stakeholders in society to solve the challenges

Advantages of Hybrid Organising in Social Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Norway

Hybrid organising within the context of social entrepreneurship is on the rise. At [...]

By |Blog, Norway|0 Comments

Implementing public procurement of innovations in an organization: lessons from Norway

The purpose of this paper is to explore the drivers, enablers, barriers, key [...]

By |Blog, Norway|10 Comments

Social inequalities, social trust and civic participation — the case of Norway

Comparative studies have generally demonstrated high levels of social capital in the Scandinavian [...]

By |Blog, Norway|0 Comments

A guide to growing and scaling your social enterprise

The organization MovingWorlds has helped 900 social enterprises around the world scale their [...]

SDG Impact Assessment Tool

I you as a social entrepreneur want to work with the SDG´s the [...]

Social Enterprises and Their Ecosystems in Europe – Comparative Synthesis Report

"Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Comparative synthesis report" provides an overview [...]

Social entrepreneurship in the Baltic and Nordic countries. Would the variety of existing legal forms do more for the impact on sustainable development?

This study evaluates the current situation and identify best practices in the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, [...]

Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting

We all know how important connecting is in our everyday life. Especially now, [...]

Entrepreneurship education: motivation and effort for pupils with special needs in Norwegian compulsory school

Pupil enterprises are a widespread type of entrepreneurship education. In this working method, [...]