
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Knowledge library linking social innovators and other stakeholders in society to solve the challenges

Reverse Lavka – a local food supplier in Estonia

The goal of the social enterprise Reverse Lavka is to provide Estonian farmers [...]

Smart villages – a new way providing services in rural areas

European Network for Rural Development published a material about Smart Villages in May [...]

TravAble- the travel companion for the physically impaired

Ósk Sigurdóttir, a occupational therapist and her founding partner Hannes Pétursson had the [...]

Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach

Polecamy apoznanie się z artykułem Małgorzaty Kurleto "Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu [...]

Building a Successful Social Venture:

Building a Successful Social Venture: A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs is a new [...]

Social(i)Makers: Social Innovation Academy

Are you inspired to make a change? Do you wish to become involved [...]

Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries

Report Social entrepreneurship and social innovation - Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and [...]

Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kompleksową publikacją „Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej na [...]

By |Polish|0 Comments

Four types of Impact

As social entrepreneurs we have become quite familiar with the term impact, as [...]

Models of Impact

Choosing and developing a business model for your social enterprise is not always [...]