Gloucester Services: Supports local communities and social enterprises

Gloucester Services: Supports local communities and social enterprises

Gloucester Services is the first motorway service in England, that donates 3% of the financial turnover to local employment, job training, local communities and social initiatives. The social economic foundation Gloucestershire Gateway Trust, manages the donation. The partnership between Westmorland Family and Gloucestershire Gateway Trust is a good example on how enterprises and non governmental…

CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village
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CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village

Cocco Bello produces organic creamed honey in a small village in the Ural mountains (Russia), where locals cultivate bees and hand-pick wild berries. Cocco Bello has won the Social Impact Award (Russia) for the project of revival of the small village and the great advocacy for social entrepreneurship. The project contributes to developing the community Malyi…

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An Application of the Corporate Company Models for Social Enterprise. An Article of Małgorzata Kurleto.

An article by Małgorzata Kurleto from Jagiellonian University in Poland – “AN APPLICATION OF THE CORPORATE COMPANY MODELS FOR SOCIAL ENTERPRISE (WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON POLISH CONDITIONS)”   This publication is shared to popularize the social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region as part of the project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region”, co-financed by…

“BlindArt” from Latvia. The story of impact and success.

“BlindArt” from Latvia. The story of impact and success.

Social business is often confused with charity or social responsibility. Usually it happens, because impact from those are similar, however  social business makes impact by meeting social needs in long lasting way on society. It is  easy to donate time to time, but how easy it is to work with social challenges on a daily…

Video: Tutvu sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ärimudelitega kahe põneva näite abil!
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Video: Tutvu sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ärimudelitega kahe põneva näite abil!

  Sotsiaalsed ettevõtted teenivad raha selleks, et maailma paremaks muuta. Vaata lähemalt, kuidas sotsiaalse ettevõtte ärimudelit üles ehitada! Lisaks jagavad oma kogemusi Merimetsa Tugikeskus ja Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liit. LINK Youtube´i keskkonnas asuvale videole on leitav siit. Video valmis juunis 2015 projekti „Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse areng Läänemere regioonis“ (Social entrepreneurship development in Baltic Sea region) rahastusel, mis…

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 3: My Dream Now

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 3: My Dream Now

My Dream Now is a social enterprise which provides mentorship-programs with students. The organization inspires student to believe in themselves. “The belief in others and belief in himself is what makes change possible”, is how the the culture is developed around the people, with values incorporating openness, community, responsibility. Volunteers class coaches from work and inspire college…

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 2: Retoy

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 2: Retoy

Retoy is one of the growing social entrepreneurship initiative in Sweden that is a classic business case study. Retoy is an organization works with education and awareness about climate and social issues. Target group is kids. Making a world a better place right from the beginning in learning. Retoy creates a game, in the game, everything…

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 3: Food Bank

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 3: Food Bank

Food Bank Lithuania is a typical food recovery and redistribution charity/social enterprise. It’s a very effective organisation playing vital role in supplementing food options or the socially disadvantaged people across the country. Food Bank has agreements with some of the largest grocery chains for redistributing some of the unsold food that otherwise would have been…

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 1: Socialinis Taksi

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 1: Socialinis Taksi

Social enterprise Socialinis Taksi (Social Taxi) is providing subsidised taxi services to the disabled people in 3 largest Lithuanian cities. Part of their services are being paid by the municipality and the rest by the customers. It is a very important service for the people with limited abilities to move around the city. People who have…