About the “We make transition!” project

About the “We make transition!” project

Local and regional authorities have a crucial role in driving resilience – societal ability to adapt and react. Due to the complexity of sustainability challenges, there is a need to mobilise all levels of society to create and implement solutions that enable systemic changes in our unsustainable practices. Civil society actors – associations, social entrepreneurs,…

Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions
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Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions

We collected a variety of inspiring success stories from six Baltic Sea region countries! We make transition! project engages local authorities, civil society actors and businesses in co-creative processes to enhance cooperation for eco-social sustainability. One of the core aims is to improve understanding of the role and added value of active civil society for…

Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions

Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions

We make transition! collected a variety of inspiring success stories of “civil society making sustainability transitions”. Case studies are related to social sustainability, circular economy, biodiversity, sustainable food and lifestyle from the Baltic Sea region. The case studies provide an outlook on the power of creative people and initiatives revealing the fundamental value of active…

Inclusive Business Creation – Good Practice Compendium

Inclusive Business Creation – Good Practice Compendium

Today we present to you a report from the OECD’s Local Economic and Employment Development Programme (LEED) provides innovative ideas and practical solutions for how to build inclusive and sustainable communities with quality jobs for all. This series explores how national and local governments can promote local development, leveraging the social economy, entrepreneurship, employment and…

Funding opportunities for social economy – update 2022

Funding opportunities for social economy – update 2022

Social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship are topics with transversal relevance for a variety of policy fields and economic sectors. Funding opportunities can therefore be found in most EU funding programmes. Some of these programmes include dedicated measures. Others can be tapped into by social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship actors, even if they do not target…

Third Sector and Social Economy – what is the difference?
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Third Sector and Social Economy – what is the difference?

Two terms that can often be encountered in the context of social entrepreneurship and social innovation are “third sector” and “social economy”. However, they are significantly less self-explanatory than the more commonly known “non-governmental sector”, “the non-profit sector” or “the charity sector”. To confuse things more, in scholarly articles  “third sector” and “social economy” often seem to be used interchangeably. But what do these…

6 Lessons for a More Human-Centered Leadership Practice
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6 Lessons for a More Human-Centered Leadership Practice

It is no secret that human-centered design thinking is an approach  to problem-solving that is perfectly suited for social economy organizations, social innovators and changemakers tackling complex societal issues. What is more, while the importance of leadership is by now more and more recognized in different types organizations across all sectors, rarely is inspiring leadership as crucial as in social…