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Country | Organisation Name | Contact Person | Contact Email | Website | Organisation Type | Details |
Sweden | Coompanion Mellersta Norrland | Per-olof Persson | pelle@coompanion.se | https://coompanion.se/coompanion/coompanion-in-english/?_gl=1*16rqhmn*_ga*MTgwOTA0MDE3Ny4xNTIyODMzMTkx*_ga_4W1GJHEWBK*MTY5NzYzMjg3My4xNi4xLjE2OTc2MzI4OTcuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.3941685.402911897.1697632874-1809040177.1522833191 | Business incubator | Details |
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