Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale – alustava ettevõtja käsiraamatu. Käsiraamat julgustab samm-sammu haaval läbi mõtlema ettevõtlusega alustamise etapid alates ettevõtjaks olemise plussidest ja miinustest kuni äriplaani koostamise ja äriidee esitlemiseni välja. Raamatus on toodud ettevõtjate edulugusid, mis innustavad ja inspireerivad alustavat ettevõtjat. Käsiraamatus on ka toetavaid sõnu sotsiaalse…

Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux
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Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux

When running your social enterprise, have you ever wondered if there is a different way of doing organizational tasks and assigning titles than the traditional hierarchical structure with decisions being made mostly top down? Frederick Laloux, the author of reinventing organizations, wondered just that. He had observed different styles of running organizations which he equated…

The Platform Design Toolkit 2.0
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The Platform Design Toolkit 2.0

The new tool has been published to assist entrepreneurs and organizations to look at business and activities, to design strategies, products and organizations “as a platform.” As a synthesis of different definitions, developers say that platforms are scalable collaboration agreements powered by technologies: it’s not easy to differentiate between a technology, a strategy or an…

Model biznesowy Canvas w przedsiębiorczości społęcznej
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Model biznesowy Canvas w przedsiębiorczości społęcznej

Model biznesowy to narzędzie, które pozwala rzutem oka ogarnąć procesy wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne „przedsiębiorstwa” po to, żeby zrozumieć co, dla kogo i w jakiej kolejności robić, żeby przedsiębiorstwo mogło funkcjonować sprawnie. W czasach szybko zmieniających się mód i trendów oraz jeszcze szybszych przemian technologicznych i komunikacyjnych, kluczową umiejętnością biznesową nie jest dostarczanie choćby najlepszych produktów…

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Business model in Iceland: Karolina Fund & Karolina Engine

“Karolina Fund is a startup company from Iceland. They are the winners of the Nordic Startup Awards 2016 (Social Tech) and co-founders of the Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance. Karolina Fund aims to become a next generation crowd sourcing and crowd funding community. Our mission is to connect ideas, funds and talent to make creative projects possible…

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Different types of social enterprise models

In an article by Conscious Company Media, there are 6 types of social enterprise models identified. They are: Entrepreneurial Non Profit Non-nonprofit Socially responsible business Give one, Get one / Donate Portion of Proceeds Model Awareness Brand Everything else This article helps to distinguish the multitude (6) forms that social entrepreneurship can take, with a…

CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village
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CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village

Cocco Bello produces organic creamed honey in a small village in the Ural mountains (Russia), where locals cultivate bees and hand-pick wild berries. Cocco Bello has won the Social Impact Award (Russia) for the project of revival of the small village and the great advocacy for social entrepreneurship. The project contributes to developing the community Malyi…

Ideas for social businesses
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Ideas for social businesses

Russian foundation “Our future” has opened the online platform to collect and share the ideas of social business. Any start-up or company can list their information on a project idea, business model, prototypes and results. Portal experts select projects to share best cases, assist networking and community building. Social entrepreneurs may use the portal also as an…

Successful business models in Finland – case 3: The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre is a non-profit organization working for the benefit of the community. Their mission is to improve the state of the environment by reducing the amount of waste and by increasing environmental awareness. The Centre has five stores in the metropolitan area: in Vantaa, Espoo and Helsinki. In their stores…

Successful business models in Finland – case 2: kaksi.nolla

“kaksi.nolla Oy” offers housing services for the city of Tampere in Kontukoti (they have in total 26 places) and also they have started to offer home care for other customers. Kaksi.nolla is a social enterprise that has established their first elderly house ”Kontukoti” in the heart of city of Tampere. Kaksi.nolla is a limited liability…