GAMIFICATION  Online breakout rooms as a non-formal education tool – project CO-ART

Online breakout rooms as a non-formal education tool – project CO-ART

Any type of education nowadays is undergoing major changes, dealing with limited attention spans and the undeniable growth in importance of digital approaches. Nonetheless, the Pandemic showed us that prolonged and monotonous screen time is neither efficient, nor preferred. In project CO-ART, the partners from six countries have developed 24 unique online escape rooms to improve digital and…

A Dutch Pilot Study in Primary Teacher Education: Social Entrepreneurship Education in Focus
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A Dutch Pilot Study in Primary Teacher Education: Social Entrepreneurship Education in Focus

In a Dutch Institute for Primary Teacher Education, a pilot study was undertaken on social entrepreneurship education (SEE). It was a part of the international project “UKids – Social Entrepreneurship Programme for Kids!”. As game designing appears to offer good opportunities for the enhancement of empathy and business-related skills, student teachers were instructed by the…