Read the article – The European Green Deal and the social market economy
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Read the article – The European Green Deal and the social market economy

We highly recommend reading the article by Martin Dahl – “The European Green Deal and the social market economy” published here: Abstract: The European Green Deal is an attempt to transform the European Union’s economy in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This is to counteract undesirable climate change and environmental degradation. In this context, an…

Funding opportunities for social economy – update 2022

Funding opportunities for social economy – update 2022

Social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship are topics with transversal relevance for a variety of policy fields and economic sectors. Funding opportunities can therefore be found in most EU funding programmes. Some of these programmes include dedicated measures. Others can be tapped into by social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship actors, even if they do not target…

Podcast on Impact Measurement, Citizen Participation and Governance
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Podcast on Impact Measurement, Citizen Participation and Governance

Welcome to Episode three of Social EcPodcast Miniseries – Finance 4 Good! In this episode we build upon the previous two episodes, in which we introduced the opportunities that citizens have to save their money in ethical finance institutions, where they can be sure that their money will be used in truly green and social…

5 Tangible Tactics to Participate In Social Entrepreneurship

5 Tangible Tactics to Participate In Social Entrepreneurship

Unlike traditional businesses, social enterprises are dedicated to help specific groups of people that are socio-economically backward.  Since their goal to serve mankind sits above the financial gain, building a sustainable social enterprise is no walk in the park. If you are planning to build a career in social entrepreneurship or already pursuing one, then…

B Impact Assessment

B Impact Assessment

B Impact Assessment Developed by B Lab, a non-profit organization dedicated to using the power of business as a force for good, the B Impact Assessment helps companies measure their impact on workers, community, environment, and customers, empowering them to assess the performance, compare themselves to peers, and identify areas for improvement. This is a good choice…

SE Impact Tool to assess impact measurement, planning, and implementation.
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SE Impact Tool to assess impact measurement, planning, and implementation.

SE Impact Tool This tool is developed for helping social entrepreneurs and people working in the SE field to assess their perceptions of SE Impact measurement, planning, and implementation. Afterward, it helps to deeply understand the value and range of tools of the SE Impact, outlining their needs and steps for the progress in this…

How social entrepreneurship helps to educate the world?
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How social entrepreneurship helps to educate the world?

How do social entrepreneurs and the projects they create impact the world at large? Maximillian Goetz, founder of the non-profit organization Robotics for All, discusses his experiences with social entrepreneurship and the real-world impacts he has witnessed firsthand. Maximilian Goetz is a first-year student at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. In April 2017, he…

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete arengu stimuleerimine Eestis

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete arengu stimuleerimine Eestis

Strateegia süvaanalüüs Käesolev raport esitab Eesti sotsiaalse innovatsiooni, sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete jaoks kindlaks määratud strateegilise ökosüsteemi süvaanalüüsi. See tuvastab riigi peamised tugevad ja probleemsed küljed ning esitab strateegilised soovitused tugevama strateegilise ökosüsteemi arengu toetamiseks sotsiaalseks ettevõtluseks ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete jaoks. Peamised strateegilised probleemid, mida analüüsiti, hõlmavad: sotsiaalse innovatsiooni ja sotsiaalse ettevõtluse kultuuri loomist…