Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight – Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection

Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight – Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection

This ILO Spotlight brief is jointly developed by the Social Protection Department and the Cooperatives Unit in the Enterprises Department. It focuses on mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection. The brief builds on the related section of the Office Report on “Decent Work and the social and solidarity economy” prepared for…

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

The EYE programme has reached out to Ukrainian intermediary organisations and entrepreneurs to support them in this crisis. Immediate emergency measures were taken and implemented by the entire network to support the functioning of the organisations and match Ukrainian entrepreneurs with their hosts outside of Ukraine and allow them to continue realising their ambitions to start and grow their companies. In addition, Ukrainian entrepreneurs who are already…

Learn more about the latest #socialeconomy developments in Spain!
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Learn more about the latest #socialeconomy developments in Spain!

The concept of the “social economy” has gained attention and momentum in recent years although the degree of recognition varies largely from one Member State to another. Spain is an example where the social economy benefits from wide recognition. It is the first European country to enact a law on the social economy concept in…

#HaveYourSay! Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem

#HaveYourSay! Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem

Take part in EU consultations and give your comments and input to the topic “Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem” You have time until 28th February and all the details about the document and ways to send your comments you will find…

Social Economy for the full inclusion of people with disabilities BEST PRACTICE GUIDE
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Social Economy for the full inclusion of people with disabilities BEST PRACTICE GUIDE

Social Economy for the Full Inclusion of People with Disabilities: How and Why – An Introduction to Our Best Practice Guide Actions speak louder than words, but how can companies, businesses and employers further include people with disabilities if they are not fully aware of the possibilities? The willingness of companies to make their businesses…

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Wises’ Social Impact Measurement in the Baltic States

WISEs’ Social Impact Measurement in the Baltic States Audrone UrmanavicieneTallinn University DOI: Keywords: Social enterprise, WISEs, Social impact measurement, Measurement indicators ABSTRACT WISEs devote most of their time and resources to working with the target group – not only organizing their employment activities and developing skills but also adapting their work environment, improving the psychological climate,…

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The Effective Methods and Practices for Accelerating Social Entrepreneurship Through Corporate Social Responsibility

Article “The   Effective   Methods and   Practices for Accelerating   Social   Entrepreneurship   Through Corporate Social Responsibility” written by: Audrone UrmanavicieneTallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society Udara Suwanda ArachchiTallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society DOI: Keywords: Corporate culture, Effective methods, Social enterprise, Social impact, Social value creation, Sustainability ABSTRACT The concepts of Social entrepreneurship and…

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Purpose: Social impact investments are essential to support and promote social entrepreneurship development. This article aims to identify the factors that could develop the local impact investment market in Sri Lanka as a tool for funding social enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The methods of research are an analysis of scientific literature, experts’ interviews, and generalization. Findings: In…

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Social Enterprises in Rural Areas A Comparative Study of the Baltic States

This article provides a cross-case analysis of rural social enterprises from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Social enterprises seek to produce goods and services with a social or environmental purpose, and they pursue the general interest of local communities, people and/or social groups. The orientation towards the public good does not imply that social enterprises do…

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

  The Kuźnia cafe belongs to the network of social companies run by the Foundation for Social Innovation. It was established in 2012 as a place of first contact with work for young people from foster care facilities and other educational institutions aiming at young people at the risk of social exclusion run by the…