About the We make transition! project
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 About the We make transition! project

Local and regional authorities have a crucial role in driving resilience – societal ability to adapt and react. Due to the complexity of sustainability challenges, there is a need to mobilise all levels of society to create and implement solutions that enable systemic changes in our unsustainable practices. Civil society actors – associations, social entrepreneurs,…

New educational modules for social entrepreneurs are available
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New educational modules for social entrepreneurs are available

The social economy is a business model that works for the future of Europe. Within the RevitaLESE project, we have developed several educational models to strengthen European social enterprises, offer inspiration to the next generation of social entrepreneurs and educate about the necessary steps needed to ensure a more sustainable society.  Closing the RevitaLese project (https://revitalese.eu/), we would like…

Staying Resilient: 8 Ways to Prevent Burnout Working in Social Economy

Staying Resilient: 8 Ways to Prevent Burnout Working in Social Economy

Staying resilient while working in a social enterprise requires adopting unconventional strategies to avoid burnout. While social entrepreneurs often face unique challenges that can lead to burnout, including working with limited resources, managing complex projects, and balancing multiple stakeholders, there are many ways to prevent burnout beyond taking breaks and practicing self-care. Here are eight strategies to help social entrepreneurs stay energized and motivated while making a positive social impact! 1. Connect with Nature  Social entrepreneurs can benefit from spending time in nature, whether it’s going for a walk in the park, hiking in the mountains, or simply spending time in a garden. Research has shown…

How does Social Entrepreneurship relate with Sustainable Development Goals?

How does Social Entrepreneurship relate with Sustainable Development Goals?

Social entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals, startups and entrepreneurs develop and fund solutions that directly address social issues. Organizations that are active in the social economy sector are sometimes confused with non-profit organizations, but in fact they are not profit-driven but focus on creating social or environmental changes.   In this context, the key parameters…

How to advance gender equality through the social economy? 

How to advance gender equality through the social economy? 

The social economy is an essential field in promoting gender equality. In most countries, women often make up more than 60% of the workforce, and gaps in leadership and pay have been reported lower. It is because social economy organisations prioritise people over profit and embody values such as solidarity, inclusivity, equality, and democratic governance….

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

The EYE programme has reached out to Ukrainian intermediary organisations and entrepreneurs to support them in this crisis. Immediate emergency measures were taken and implemented by the entire network to support the functioning of the organisations and match Ukrainian entrepreneurs with their hosts outside of Ukraine and allow them to continue realising their ambitions to start and grow their companies. In addition, Ukrainian entrepreneurs who are already…