Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland
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Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland

We highly recommend the latest article from the OECD with the case study examines the Pomorskie local entrepreneurship ecosystem and regional smart specialisation approach. It identifies bottlenecks and enablers in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem and makes policy recommendations on how to further strengthen local entrepreneurship and industrial renewal. The case study offers a number of…

Social Lean Canvas

Social Lean Canvas

Social Lean Canvas is an excellent and simple tool for developing a social enterprise idea rather than embarking on a 30-page business plan. It is always important to be able to communicate information about one’s social economy activities to others. But having said that, it is also important to do things in the right sequence, and…

GARAGE48 – From an idea to a prototype successful entrepreneur in 48 hours!

GARAGE48 – From an idea to a prototype successful entrepreneur in 48 hours!

Are the following Estonian entrepreneurs behind successful startups known to you? Taxify, Pipedrive, Fortumo, Weekdone and Mooncascade. Garage48 hackathons are shaped around diverse focus points varying from theme-based ones with IT-skillset requirements (e.g. AgTech, Cyber Security, Female Entrepreneurship, VR&AR etc.) to makeathon events where the main focus is on creating physical objects instead of IT-based prototypes (e.g. Wood,…



Polecamy artykuł Jana BRZÓSKI z Politechniki Śląskiej,  Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania Instytut Zarządzania i Administracji : MODELE BIZNESU A WYKORZYSTANIE INNOWACJI W PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWACH SPOŁECZNYCH   Streszczenie. Wsparcie umożliwiające rozwój sektora ekonomii społecznej w UE jest związane z pomocą dla grup społecznie wykluczonych i walką z bezrobociem. Specyfika podmiotów ekonomii społecznej w stosunku do przedsiębiorstw konkurencyjnej gospodarki wynika…

The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach
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The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach

We recommend the article by Norbert Laurisz, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Public Economy and Administration, University of Economics in Krakow, 27 Rakowicka St., 31-510 Krakow, Poland; norbert.laurisz@uek.krakow.pl The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach Abstract: The aim of this article is to explore key changes in the…

Presentation on social economy support system in Poland
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Presentation on social economy support system in Poland

Presentation: Social entrepreneurship – investments from the ESF in Poland by Aleksandra Dmitruk, Deputy Director, ESF Management Department.   National Programme for Social Economy Development (NSPED) The social economy support system in Poland has two main components: (1) Creating “environment” for SEE creation and growth including soft support by country-wide Social Economy Support Units (2)…

The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises
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The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises

Znaczenie edukacji dla strategii rozwoju podmiotów ekonomii społecznej The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises Author(s): Grażyna Krzyminiewska Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Economic policy, Socio-Economic Research Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Keywords: social economy; education; Summary/Abstract: The paper The Meaning of Education for Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises Focuses on education as…

Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship axis of EaSI

Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship axis of EaSI

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region. Great info for small social enterprises! The Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship (MF/SE) axis support actions in two thematic sections: microcredit and microloans for vulnerable…

“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”
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“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.   We recommend great reading on polish social entrepreneurship sector by PhD Marzena Starnawska from Gdansk Technical University. Her paper:  THEORIZING ON…