Rekomendacijos savivaldybėms dėl veiksmingų priemonių skatinant socialinį verslumą
Dalinamės projekto metu parengtomis rekomendacijomis savivaldybėms. Jas perskaityti galite čia:
Dalinamės projekto metu parengtomis rekomendacijomis savivaldybėms. Jas perskaityti galite čia:
2 Jul 2020 – Briefing by Mr. Elliot Harris, UN Chief Economist and Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development as well as a youth social entrepreneur, on the 2020 World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda. The 2020 edition of the World Youth Report focuses on youth social entrepreneurship with a view to…
The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is one of the pillars on which the European Union intends to build its resilience, an objective affirmed by the European Commission on 9 December 2021, when it presented a new action plan on the social economy. European Ministers responsible for the Social Economy will meet in Paris on…
The assumption that innovative and creative thinking is something we are born with is not quite correct. Of course, to a certain extent there are some traits and characteristics that are inherited and can play a role in your decision making process, but overall innovative thinking is something we can learn and train every day….
Rekommendationer för offentlig sektor för hur man kan använda sig av verktyg för att stimulera utvecklingen av sociala verksamheter. Recommendations for the public sector on how to use the tool to stimulate development of social activities Socialt Kapital Forum i Sverige har tillsammans med organisationer i Danmark, Finland, Polen, Estland och Lettland producerat en rapport med en…
WISEs’ Social Impact Measurement in the Baltic States Audrone UrmanavicieneTallinn University DOI: Keywords: Social enterprise, WISEs, Social impact measurement, Measurement indicators ABSTRACT WISEs devote most of their time and resources to working with the target group – not only organizing their employment activities and developing skills but also adapting their work environment, improving the psychological climate,…
‘The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth’ is a material developed in 2015, just after the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed on to follow by 2030. Although some time has passed, this resource still constitutes a valuable document to be studied by children and young people, as well as youth workers to learn and…
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