Succesfull Bussiness Model in Poland – case 1

Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej “Być Razem” from Cieszyn
(Foundation of Social Entrepreneurship Development “Be Together”)

Social Goals:

1. The activation of the unemployed and persons at risk of social exclusion through work and education. Creating new jobs in the run by Foundation social enterprise in the same time supporting reintegration of people threatened with marginalization.
2. Supporting social cooperatives, other social enterprises even regular companies also focused on the activities of a social nature, associations, and other forms of social activity built on the values of solidarity, reciprocity and cooperation.

History of the social enterprise creation

The members of Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Wzajemnej “Być Razem” (The Common Help Association “Be Together”) who are working with many socially excluded groups like youth, children from pathological families, victims of valance, homeless people, permanently unemployed or former prisoners, from the very begging of their activity was sure that one of the basic condition for their beneficiaries to start a new, worthy life is helping them in finding a job.
The Association activities from the very beginning was supported by The Municipality of Cieszyn, which in 2004 passed to The Association with hand free operation huge former factory halls, which became a place of social reintegration of the Association beneficiaries.
Over time and gained experienced the idea, of creating a safe and proper for The Association’s beneficiaries working place turned into reality.
The Cieszyn Municipality included the projects of creating The Social Enterprise in Cieszyn to its development Strategy. The Municipality in partnership with The Association applied for a special grant from The Integrated Operational Program for Regional Development and they won the contest. The whole investment took 1,5 year and consumed the amount of 6 million PLN (around from 1,5 million EUR) but definitely was successful.
In 2007 The Association established a new legal entity – social enterprise called: Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej “Być Razem”.

Offered services and products:

Brand WellDone® Dobre Rzeczy – mostly wooden products made from natural materials, simple, witty, intelligent and useful items, perfect for gifts. They were designed by young designers and produced by persons returning to the labour market, supported by the Foundation “Be Together”.

Laundry provides professional and comprehensive laundry services for institutional clients, such as hotels, hostels, guest houses, restaurants, spas. As one of the few laundries in the region offers both the water and chemical cleaning.

Joinery is engaged in manufacturing wood products, specializing particularly in packaging, interior decoration and furniture and other unusual woodwork, carpentry combining the traditional with the modern carpentry.

Ironworks is offering various products made from stainless and black steel and black for example: railings, gates, grilles, fences, building . The workshop is also providing services like: welding, cutting, milling etc.

Gastronomy – catering and eating house services are offered by Social Cooperative “Super Smak” (Super Taste) which is based in the Foundation buildings. Five ladies running the Social Cooperative are preparing meals for employees of the foundation and people from the outside and supporting trainings, conferences, banquets, receptions, business meetings, family celebrations, balls, proms and many other events. The Social Cooperative was establish with financial and non-financial support of The Foundation and The Association SWR with full support of local municipality.

Training courses – professional training courses and workshops in 2 main areas: social economy and social competences. The training courses curriculum are based on experiences of The Foundation staff in terms of: creating comprehensive and innovative support programs; revitalization of the ruins of the building in order to create homes, day centres and twenty-four hour; conducting workshops, teaching work and production and service; initiating and creating social cooperatives.

Study visits – services dedicated especially to public administration and third sector representatives who are interested in establish or supporting the development of social economy entities in their region. During the study visit participants can visit all workshops, speak with employees and management team.

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