Social innovation i Sverige Kartläggning av ekosystemet för social innovation
Social innovation i Sverige Kartläggning av ekosystemet för social innovation
Social innovation i Sverige Kartläggning av ekosystemet för social innovation
Ruralia Institute in Finland is currently working on a project, which aims to create social enterprise learning materials, guidance and networking. Visenet – Village social enterprise learning material, guidance and networking aims to (amongst others) enhance the ideas and methods to promote and support social entrepreneurship in rural areas by creating an open access digital learning…
The Online Manual of Good Practices on Workplace Innovation is a useful tool for those SMEs that need practical advice on possible innovation actions to implement within their companies to improve their organisational processes and increase their competitiveness. It will include inspiring case studies to give an idea to SMEs owners and employees on possible concrete actions to…
Co-funded by the EEA grants project SOCIAL INNOVATORS presents an innovative model of simultaneously addressing the challenges of high rates of youth unemployment and low employment rate in NGO sector, which all present a tremendous waste of human potential and missed opportunities for greater contribution to the social transformation not only in partner countries but…
When we speak about education, impact assessment is one of these areas. For that reason the educational material as a part of project has been created. This educational material is targeted at stakeholders who need to practically develop their skills related to social impact analysis. Professors designing and students participating in relevant courses (e.g. social entrepreneurship) will hopefully…
This is a practical ‘how to’ manual for starting a new social enterprise or expand an existing social enterprise. It is designed to be a basic process guide to carrying out a feasibility study of an enterprise idea, and then writing the enterprise plan in order to be able to present it to potential supporters….
Przewodnik po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej Kurs edukacyjny dla przedsiębiorców społecznych Witamy! Witamy w Przewodniku po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej – kursie edukacyjnym dla przedsiębiorców społecznych! O module szkoleniowym: Grupa docelowa: 1. Osoby, które są zainteresowane przedsiębiorczością, a szczególnie tworzeniem wpływu społecznego; 2. Doświadczeni przedsiębiorcy, którzy chcą poszerzyć swoje umiejętności w celu zmiany społeczeństwa; 3. Każdy, kto chce…
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