
ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?

Read here the newest educational material – “ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?” which is the result of the project  „SOCIAL BUSINESS FOR INCLUSION” (KA1, Erasmus+), written by Ewa Solarz and Anna Skowera from Fundacja Dobry Rozwój in 2017.


This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.

The material in pdf is available here: http://www.ekonomiaspoleczna.pl/files/ekonomiaspoleczna.pl/public/Biblioteka/2017.04.pdf


The ToolKit “How to promote social economy among young people?” is a result of the project “Social business for inclusion” conducted by Foundation Good Development (Fundacja Dobry Rozwój) in Toruń, Poland, 29th June – 9 th July 2017.


The project was financed by Erasmus+ and its main goals were as following:

– to provide practical knowledge of issues relating to the social economy and the possibilities of using the mechanisms for the fulfilment of social objectives (including assistance to disadvantaged groups);

– to provide practical tools and knowledge, designed to interest young people in the social economy and responsible business as one of the solutions to various social problems;

– to provide a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge of best practices in the field of non-formal education regarding social economy;

– to develop the skills and knowledge of the participants in the field of non-formal education related to entrepreneurship and economics; – to discuss and identify new ideas for activities in the field of social economy;

– to discuss and identify innovative tools and ways to promote these issues among young people in informal education;

– to establish a network of organizations and individuals who are interested in further cooperation in spreading knowledge about the social economy among young people as a tool to embody the idea of social equality and helping disadvantaged groups;

– to develop ideas for joint projects and activities in this field in the future.

The ToolKit is a set of tools and methods to use in working with young people to promote the idea of social economy. It will be especially useful for teachers and trainers working with the youth.


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