Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants
Read this fantastic article by Julia Bahusi about the social entrepreneurship for immigrants, one of the key challenges in today’s Europe.
This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.
Social entrepreneurship is the future for the European Society. Young men and women living within the European borders know that any business nowadays needs to always involve the society. Otherwise, it might not be as successful as they might want it to be. Social entrepreneurship is the key to a successful company in Europe.
With the immigrant influx, Europe has to face yet another very big problem. Large numbers of people that are unemployed and appear to have no prospect whatsoever. Unless of course, we are talking about the possibility of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship has proven to be able to help with the integration of migrants for the past few years. Whether we are talking about Social Enterprises specifically created in order to help with migrant integration or migrants that can actually become social entrepreneurs.
Read the full text here: