Social entrepreneurship and STEM

Social entrepreneurship and STEM

One of the directions of social entrepreneurship, supported by many special projects and programmes, is education of children. The article focuses on the implementation of modern teaching methods, suitable for the needs of 21st century, in Latvia and Lithuania. Attractive and balanced teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to children from early age would provide an opportunity to fill the labour market of future with necessary skills and competences related to the STEM. Also, proper understanding of STEM importance in our development and sustainable living brings new social innovation ideas into life and is willing to help thousands and millions.

As study on STEM learning in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania* has shown, there is no common understanding of STEM and its implementation in formal elementary schools, and it is based mainly on private initiatives, which are not sustainable enough, if they are not supported on a constant basis. Therefore, financial stability of business with a social mission could be a solution to the problems in education: low motivation to study, low interest in technology and engineering studies, low awareness of connection between the studies and real life, lack of creativity, inability to work in teams, lack of hands-on approach etc. Social entrepreneurship is the way of proving the need of STEM implementation and a great outsourcing opportunity for modern schools and families, which lack own resources to ensure STEM oriented education for their children. For now, STEM learning is more accessible in bigger cities as an informal of non-formal education, which is offered in after-schools lessons, scientific theatres or sessions, science centres, technological and scientific competitions and exhibitions etc. Mainly STEM activities are offered by NGOs, private enterprises, sometimes with the support of local governmental institutions, private technical elementary and high schools and other educational entities.

As a social enterprises, STEM educational centres are still in the very beginning of the movement, as not everybody is familiar with the benefits of STEM as a teaching concept. However, there are some, which develop their social businesses for children STEM education, attracting support of private and public funds, participating in different start-up-related activities, social business incubators, accelerators, competitions, conferences etc. In the context of three Baltic countries, we have found the following examples of social enterprises in STEM education:

School of Robotics, Latvia


School of Robotics is an educational project developed by Latvian social enterprise AgirVision. Apart from various technological solutions, enterprise offer educational activities for pupils in the fields of robotics. It started with the activity of Kaspars Čaba, who developed robots as a hobby and inspired by his sons, which resulted in investments into new robots and cooperation with the local school in Ikšķile, Latvia. The first group of children willing to participate in 28424864_555496044827825_4223260998053970502_orobotics lessons was formed and since then this initiative has grown into the social enterprise, which has subsidiaries in 5 schools of Latvia, already offers more lessons to other schools, as well as plans to open new subsidiaries.

The School of Robotics aims to create sustainable network of schools, where pupils aged 7-12 years would have an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in robotics, implementing STEM oriented learning, like basics of magnetism, electricity etc. Therefore enterprise encourage school teachers of math and physics to collaborate and initiate afterschool activities in robotics, providing with necessary methodological materials, equipment and trainings for teachers and pupils.

                                                             Picture source:

bit&Byte, Lithuania


bit&Byte is a social enterprise in Lithuania, which offers programming classes for children without previousgg experience in this field. Company transforms natural curiosity of 7-12 years old children into real abilities to think logically, work in teams and learn  each from other, as well as solve problems in creative way, which are important elements of STEM learning. Social enterprise teaches basics of programming in a groups, combining them with experimentation and challenges, not only in Lithuanian, but also in English and German. Children learn how to experiment with programming, develop apps, microcomputers, music, graphic design, games and try out different gadgets. Also bit&Byte organizes some demonstrations and classes in elementary schools in order to create an interest of children in programming, engineering and other fields of STEM.

 Picture source:, Latvia is educational and entertaining social enterprise, that offers educational classes, theatre performances, programs for holidays and special events, that are fully dedicated to exciting sciences. has participated in Reach forslide_192_1491342062 Change incubator for social enterprises and gained recognition as one of the best “Entrepreneur of a Good Will 2017” (“Labās gribas uzņēmējs 2017”). Offered activities are meant for children older than 5 years and are aimed at engaging children into science. During the working days organizes weekly lessons in physic and chemistry, but on Saturdays and Sundays offers attractive science theatre performances dedicated to different scientific topics, such as ”The Secrets of Sounds”, ”What Every Pupil Need to Know”, ”Short Circuit”, ”Fiery Science” etc. All activities are adjusted to three different age groups – children, adolescents and adults, so the events and performances organized by the social enterprise are not targeted on children only. Adults and whole companies are also interested in scientific shows – for private of commercial purposes.

Picture source:

ZINOO centre, Latvia


ZINOO is a science centre for children, whole families and school classes, which offers interactive expositions for learning mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, engineering and eksponati2_90other STEM-related subjects in a fun way. It was created with the support of EEA/Norway grants in 2011 and since then has developed four subsidiaries in different cities of Latvia.

ZINOO centre offers exhibitions, sumer camps, lessons about different topics of physics, recycling, robotics and other for private groups of school classes. Also social enterprise organises parties for children or adults with attractive science shows, as well as “Curiosity Days in School” as an outbound whole day event.

Additionally, if offers free of charge entrance for disabled people, as well as reduced tickets in a framework of cooperation with other socially responsible businesses in Latvia.

Picture source:


*study within Erasmus+ project “Teachers and pupils STEM competence development in elementary school”, conducted in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will be available in autumn 2018).

Model biznesowy Canvas w przedsiębiorczości społęcznej
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Model biznesowy Canvas w przedsiębiorczości społęcznej

Model biznesowy to narzędzie, które pozwala rzutem oka ogarnąć procesy wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne „przedsiębiorstwa” po to, żeby zrozumieć co, dla kogo i w jakiej kolejności robić, żeby przedsiębiorstwo mogło funkcjonować sprawnie.

W czasach szybko zmieniających się mód i trendów oraz jeszcze szybszych przemian technologicznych i komunikacyjnych, kluczową umiejętnością biznesową nie jest dostarczanie choćby najlepszych produktów i usług, lecz budowanie grup zadowolonych i powracających klientów oraz szybkie reagowanie na zmieniające się otoczenie.

Model biznesowy (ang. Business Model Canvas) pozwala w prosty sposób zebrać wszystkie kluczowe informacje, które pomogą nam stwierdzić, że nasz pomysł na biznes czy przedsięwzięcie jest prostu dobry czy może należy go jeszcze dopracować.


Chesz wiedzieć więcej nt. modelu Canvas i o tym, jak można go zastosować przy opracowywaniu koncepcji Twojego przedsiębiorstwa społecznego? Przeczytaj o tym w poradniku:


This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.

Visual collaboration tools for creative teams
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Visual collaboration tools for creative teams



Mural is a visual collaboration tool for teams working online on a distance. It supports the implementation of design thinking concept and provides shared digital whiteboards, where teams visually explore complex challenges and organize flexible processes across any device. Drawing tools, Sticky notes, icons, pictures, comments, discussions and more features can be added there to visualize the decision making process.

Mural helps a to save finances related to gathering teams together for workshop sessions, allowing to facilitate brainstormings online and involving all team member equally. It allows to avoid travel and in-persons workshop costs as it works in a cloud. Therefore productivity of the project development can be increased within teams.

Mural offers online workshops for up to 50 persons, which costs only 12$/month with possible trial period.

More about Mural to be found here.



Conceptboard is a flexible canvas for brainstorming, capturing ideas, creating moodboards, plans and strategies that expand when new content is being added and easily can be used by teams online. It allows to work in real time and use video conferencing to discuss details, for instance, when prototyping some design. It is possible to transfer files from emails to conceptboards, so commenting and discussions become faster and more effective. For bigger convenience and centralization Conceptboard can integrate other digital tools the team uses, like Trello, Dropbox, TokBox, Google Drive etc.

One can create unlimited number of boards within Conceptboard for free, however more complex features, including larger storage, unlimited object per board etc., are available starting from 28.50 $/month per 3 users.

More about Conceptboard to be found here.

Additionally, one more simple digital tool can be used during the workshops and brainstorming sessions: TimeTimer is visual full-screen time tracker, that disappears as time elapses. TimeTimer is completely free of charge, which is nice considering quite expensive conventional time trackers.





Most of you have probably noticed the advantages of fast design creation with Canva tool, which brings relief to those not familiar with complex and expensive Photoshop-like design programmes. A poster, invitation, presentation, newsletter, flyer, social media header, collage, book cover or any other graphic material can de designed and shared with team mates in order to make collaborative improvements free of charge. It offers various templates and additional elements to operate with.

One of the feature it offers is creation of mind maps, which can be used as collage of ideas in brainstorming process or the final design of mind map, which is also sharable with others. A number of customizable templates, colours, icons and shapes are available for free and even more to upgraded users.

More about Mind Map from Canva to be found here.




Concept inbox is an online software created specifically for designers, which need to collaborate with their team and customers. It allows to improve the models and test those using prototypes without special knowledge on coding. Concept inbox automatically archives all project activities (changes), so it is easy to review the process of design. Concept inbox offers prototyping of apps, feedback collection (with notification system), real-time collaboration, apps and integration, like inbox for a desktop for easy access etc.

There are different pricing plans of Concept inbox starting from 14$/month: for design freelancers, small and mid-size companies. Single person can try out work on the project for free with certain limitation.

More about Concept Inbox to be found here.

8 Keys To Crowdfunding Success For Social Entrepreneurs
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8 Keys To Crowdfunding Success For Social Entrepreneurs

Crowdfunding means different things to different people, but it almost always means raising money from the public. For social entrepreneurs, it is all about changing the world.

Read more about the most important features of successful soc ent crowdfunding campaigns directly on the Forbes website here:


This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.


You can also check their article presenting the most popular crowdfunding websites for Social Entrepreneurs here:

Guide to Social Change Buzzwords

Guide to Social Change Buzzwords

The guide helps you get to grips with all the jargon and concepts that surround social change. Whether you add them to your lexicon or boycott them is up to you, just make sure you know what they mean.
See Social Change Centrals small guide here
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Business model in Iceland: Karolina Fund & Karolina Engine

Karolina Fund is a startup company from Iceland. They are the winners of the Nordic Startup Awards 2016 (Social Tech) and co-founders of the Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance.

Karolina Fund aims to become a next generation crowd sourcing and crowd funding community. Our mission is to connect ideas, funds and talent to make creative projects possible that individuals can’t do alone.”

In the spring of 2016 they started offering their award winning solutions under the name Karolina Engine where other countries could adopt the Icelandic crowdfunding model and bring it “home”. So far Karolina Engine have assisted crowdfunding platforms Slovenia, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

As a social enterprise, they started small and local, where they now have 10% of the Icelandic population actively involved in their platform. From the start they were clear and open with regards to the impact they were creating through their platform. Just by visiting their home page you have an instant access to their impact metrics.


(Image of metrics taken on 25 May 2018)

They have embedded their local know how in the Karolina Engine where they “understand the value of being local, both within and across national boundaries.” A wonderful model of local going global with a local twist.


Katapult Accelerator: an accelerator for tech focused impact organizations

Are you looking for an accelerator to assist your business from startup phase? Have a look at the Norwegian accelerator: Katapult Accelerator.

“We believe in making a positive impact. We believe in technology as the key driver for change. We believe in the untapped talent of the world.

We are fuelled and inspired by our deep belief in exponential technology. We believe these technologies such as AI and Blockchain can help impact focused startups scale faster while solving real global problems. They are focused on 3 main domains:

  1. Environmental domains
  2. Societal domains
  3. Exponential technologies

What they offer:

  • 3-month fast paced, hands on program to help scale your business
  • Access to a global network of leading thematic mentors
  • Dedicated expertise to unleash potential of AI in your business
  • Investment into your company as part of the accelerator program
  • Access to further capital and investors to support your company

Why You Should Apply

  • Get $150K investment
  • Get a lot of help building your business
  • Access to a global network of leading thematic mentors
  • Dedicated expertise to unleash potential of AI in your business
  • Access to further capital and investors to support your company”
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Different types of social enterprise models

In an article by Conscious Company Media, there are 6 types of social enterprise models identified. They are:

  1. Entrepreneurial Non Profit
  2. Non-nonprofit
  3. Socially responsible business
  4. Give one, Get one / Donate Portion of Proceeds Model
  5. Awareness Brand
  6. Everything else

This article helps to distinguish the multitude (6) forms that social entrepreneurship can take, with a clear description of each category, highlighting the funding stream and lastly some examples to help further clarify the distinction.

And finally, as mission focused individuals and organizations it‘s important to remember at the end of day, the labels don‘t really matter, its your impact that does. As that is truly why you are in business in the first place. Let your impact speak for you.

For the full article please click here.

Photo by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist on Unsplash


Storytelling for the social entrepreneur

Stories evoke emotions as the audience connects with you as an individual and as an organization. As Mia Angelo famously said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

As a social entrepreneur you are not only selling your product or service but you are also selling your vision and vales as a company. You are asking your tribe of like minded and like valued individuals to join your movement or cause. A powerfully told story will invoke your tribe to share your story as they themselves feel invested in your organization´s success.

Conscious Company Media has a wonderful series of webinars available for free. Here is a webinar presented by the storytelling and digital marketing experts from K23 Media. (Click on the image below)


Helping social ventures scale their impact
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Helping social ventures scale their impact

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.


Around the world, millions of children’s needs are not being met. Addressing these needs is a vital part of reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as 56 % of the 169 SDG targets are either directly or indirectly connected to children.

Reach for Change core belief is that human innovation and entrepreneurship are strong and necessary tools for achieving the SDG targets, and are committed to unleashing its power.

Through multi-sector partnerships, Reach for Change finds and scale social innovations, which help children to lead better lives. Their core program is a three-year incubator, specifically designed for early stage social ventures.

Read more how Reach for Change helps social ventures scale their impact here: