Donation environment „I love to help“ in Estonia

Donation environment „I love to help“ in Estonia

The donation environment “I love to help” gathers Estonian organizations who change life in Estonia for the better from four different fields. You can make donations to the social organizations and enterprises directly and conveniently.

The donation environment was founded in 2008 in cooperation of Swedbank and the Good Deed Foundation in order to boost the development of donating culture in Estonia. By today, over 42 000 transfers have been made to support more than 45 organizations in total sum that is visible on our webpage and that is growing, thanks to the good donors.

The application rounds for organizations to make a selection will take place 1-2 times a year and these organizations are choosen strongly among the strong organizations that has proved themselves with their activities. Donors can support an organization with a single donation or set up a permanent donation.

Donation environment „I love to help“

Smart Villages – a new approach for developing rural communities

Smart Villages – a new approach for developing rural communities

Smart Village is a new concept in the field of EU policies. ‘Smart and Competitive Rural Areas’ is one of the broad themes of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) in the 2014-2020 programming period. Smart Villages is one of the sub-themes of the EU Rural Development policy’s.

Smart Villages are “rural areas and communities which build on their existing strengths and assets as well as on developing new opportunities”, where “traditional and new networks and services are enhanced by means of digital, telecommunication technologies, innovations and the better use of knowledge” (by European Comission). That means rural communities taking the initiative to find practical solutions to challenges and make the most of new opportunities. ’Smart’ means also thinking for yourself, building new forms of cooperation beyond the village itself. Most of these coopertions and alliances are social entreprises at the moment as well as in the nearest future.

Watch a video about Smart Villages (with Estonian subtitles):

TravAble- the travel companion for the physically impaired

TravAble- the travel companion for the physically impaired

Ósk Sigurdóttir, a occupational therapist and her founding partner Hannes Pétursson had the desire to assist those the physically impaired to have access to amenities such as public spaces like restaurants as well as hotels. To assist with this, they created TravAble a travel companion for the physically impaired.

The travel companion is an app and can be downloaded for free. Each location is rated by their accessibility such as elevators, handicap toilets, parking spaces, ramps and 360 turning spaces for those utilizing wheelchairs. The app also invites users to add new places where ever they may travel.

The financial model for now is free downloads, but will eventually create a build in booking system for listed venues. A one stop shop for traveling for the physically impaired.

“TravAble is for everyone to use. Not just users with wheeled mobility, but also friends and families, social services and personal assistants or just anyone in the need of information regarding accessibility to different services.”

They are still in early stages of the app, and will grow their services and related impact as they grow their user base as well as services they offer.

Travable video

Support for social enterprises in Iceland

Support for social enterprises in Iceland

The community in Iceland for social enterprises is small. But if you have an idea for social good, there are a few places you can get some support.

Kveikja, félagsamtök

Kveikja offers education, support and development of social entrepreneurship in Iceland. They work on a 1-on-1 basis and are available for consultations no matter where you are with your business. They also provide training courses on relevant topics as well as offer meet ups for its members for peer-to-peer learning and networking.


The go to place for social innovation in Iceland, mostly focused on health and welfare related projects. They have a wealth of knowledge in this field and the best people to contact if you project fits in this area.

Innovation Centre Iceland

They offer fee 1 hour consultation sessions that any one can discuss their business idea with. They also offer business related courses for free in Iceland and English.

Photo by Tim Wright on Unsplash
Startup Social Iceland: the winning teams

Startup Social Iceland: the winning teams

Startup Social, the first Icelandic accelerator solely focused on social innovation, organized by Höfði Reykjavík Peace Center and the Innovation Center, was launched on October 10.

7 teams were chosen from a total of 40 applications to further improve their ideas. The winning teams that are currently participating in the accelerator program are as follows:

  • Rehabilitation Centre for Young Individuals at Risk will revolve around an interdisciplinary and integrated treatment of mental disorder, drug abuse, and trauma.
  • Reykjavík er okkar, app for citizens to ‘adopt’ certain areas in Reykjavík and be personally responsible for their tidiness, in exchange for certain benefits
  • Social House located in central Reykjavík, which aims to further connect Icelandic society and individuals of different origin. People in vulnerable situations are particularly welcomed.
  • Samgönguspor aims to be a service for companies and organisations to help them implement a policy of transport, in order to improve eco-friendly mode of transport.
  • Healing Earth aims to use fungi to purify and restore contaminated areas and/or to prevent environmental accidents.
  • BFSUBL want to build a car-free area in Reykjavík, with affordable apartments and parking lots at the neighborhood’s periphery.
  • Centre for Nursing Service, which aims to operate nationally and provide knowledge about ageing to both staff in relevant sectors as well as the general public.

We look forward to seeing the presentations at the end of the 7 weeks on 22 November 2018.

This is a summary of the full article written by Höfði Reykjavík Peace Center. For the full article, go here.

Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach
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Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach

Polecamy apoznanie się z artykułem Małgorzaty Kurleto “Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach”.

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.

Przechwytywanie2 Przechwytywanie3


W niniejszym opracowaniu, eksponującym rolę modeli procesowych w  funkcjonowaniu przedsiębiorstw komercyjnych, autorka ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi na możliwości ich wykorzystywania dla zintegrowanego modelu przedsiębiorstwa społecznego. W analizie pokazano możliwości stosowania wybranych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw (np. zintegrowany model przedsiębiorczości, oparty na powiązaniach między wejściami a wyjściami przedsiębiorstw, model interaktywny czy też model 4 E) dla funkcjonujących form przedsiębiorstw społecznych, takich jak spółdzielnie socjalne czy przedsiębiorstwa, podejmujących się usług użyteczności publicznej lub innych typów przedsięwzięć  hybrydowych łączących działalność gospodarczą z wypełnianiem misji społecznej. Autorka skoncentrowała się na procesowych uwarunkowaniach zarządzania strategicznego przedsiębiorstw społecznych, w tym szczególnie na takim modelu działania tych podmiotów, który można rozważać jako proces realizacji transakcji między przedsiębiorstwem a otoczeniem.


Pełne opracowanie i wszystkie artykuły znajdują się tutaj:

  • Kurleto M., 2015, Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach, [w:] Przedsiębiorczość, jednostka, organizacja, kontekst, red. Postuła A., Majczyk J., Darecki M., Warszawa, Wyd. Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

This paper exposing the role of process models in the functioning of commercial enterprises is trying to draw attention to the possibility of their use for the integrated model of social enterprise. The analysis shows the possibility of using selected business process models (integrated business model which is based on the relationship between inputs and outputs businesses, interactive model or a model 4 E) for functioning forms of social enterprises such as social cooperatives or enterprises undertaking public services and other types of hybrid projects (which link business with a social mission fulfillment). The paper is trying to focus on process determinants of strategic management of social enterprise and especially on the model of these entities, which can be considered as a process of transactions between the business and the environment.

Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants

Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants

Read this fantastic article by Julia Bahusi about the social entrepreneurship for immigrants, one of the key challenges in today’s Europe.

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.

Social entrepreneurship is the future for the European Society. Young men and women living within the European borders know that any business nowadays needs to always involve the society. Otherwise, it might not be as successful as they might want it to be. Social entrepreneurship is the key to a successful company in Europe.

With the immigrant influx, Europe has to face yet another very big problem. Large numbers of people that are unemployed and appear to have no prospect whatsoever. Unless of course, we are talking about the possibility of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship has proven to be able to help with the integration of migrants for the past few years. Whether we are talking about Social Enterprises specifically created in order to help with migrant integration or migrants that can actually become social entrepreneurs.


Read the full text here:


Building a Successful Social Venture:

Building a Successful Social Venture:

Building a Successful Social Venture: A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs is a new book by Eric Carlson and  James Koch both from Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University in USA.
The book is one of the first on creating and running a social enterprise, which combine theoretical discussions with existing cases from around the world, an in that way it can be very for people who want to start, sustain, and grow social ventures on a longer term.

Since 2003 Eric Carlson’s and James Koch’s has been working with and mentored morethan 800 aspiring social entrepreneurs at the Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI), cofounded by Koch at Santa Clara University’s Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship. The experiences from this work is the basis for Building a Successful Social Venture.

First part of the describes a bottom-up approach to social change, a focus on base-of-the-pyramid markets, and a specific approach to business planning developed by the GSBI.
Second part of the book presents the seven elements of the GSBI business planning process
Third part of the book describes how to executing it.

The book presents several  social enterprise cases to show how organizations have realized different elements of the plan. As early versions of the book were used in both undergraduate and MBA, the book also includes a number of useful checklists and exercises.

This book is for both students, social entrepreneurs, and the field researchers, who wants to learn more about social enterprise business models and how to advance social progress and create a more just and sustainable world.

More about the book here

Social(i)Makers: Social Innovation Academy
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Social(i)Makers: Social Innovation Academy

Are you inspired to make a change? Do you wish to become involved in shaping a better future? Are you passionate for new ideas and creative collaboration with others?

If your answers are YES, then check out Social(i)Makers project’s education platform and enroll to  Social Innovation Academy!

What you will learn

  • How to enter the stage of social innovation and understand its true nature
  • How to take your indivdual role in the social innovation play as a citizen and consumer
  • How to become an entrepreneurial actor for social good
  • How to explore and test your impact acting skills
  • How to collaborate to boost your social innovation performance
  • How to investigate how much impact you really have on your audience
  • How to ideally fund your social innovation
  • How to shape the framework of your innovation script through collaboration and co-creation.

The course builds on the strong expertise of the Social(i)Maker partners, which spans the entire scope of social innovation – from becoming an active citizen to creating, funding and implementing your own solutions to the societal challenges of today. See more info on the project and partners here.


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Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries

Report Social entrepreneurship and social innovation – Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries presents the results from a survey of initiatives to support social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic Region. The survey addresses the challenges faced by the Nordic countries with regard to maintaining and further developing social welfare. The Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR) has put these challenges on the agenda on a number of occasions. In autumn 2012 the Norwegian Presidency organised a Nordic seminar on social entrepreneurship. One experience from this seminar was that there are different types of initiative and support for promoting social entrepreneurship in the Nordic countries, so there should also be a potential for mutual learning.

The survey shows that there is a broad spectrum of initiatives in the Nordic countries.
Examples of the following types of initiative were surveyed in all the countries: Funding, advice/competence development, incubation, network
building, research & development, education, increasing visibility, lobbying, legal framework, strategic development work and safeguarding business interests.
The survey also reveals that most respondents have key initiatives that are followed up by other initiatives in order to support the key initiative.
All respondents ticked at least two types of initiative, most more than two, with some replying that they offer all types of initiative.
Both the material collected and the data for each country contained most examples of advice/competence development, increasing visibility
and network building. Initiatives focusing on advice/competence development include different types of course and other training, conferences,
workshops, guidance and advice provided through board membership.
Network building involves the creation of fixed structures around defined networks (network associations), ad hoc groups set up in various organisations, and the use of workshops and seminars. Increasing visibility is about several of the same activities and various forms of
knowledge sharing.

Download the full survey here.

Källa: Social entrepreneurship and social innovation – Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries