Report: Social Enterprise Develpment in the Middle East and North Africa
Report: SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, A Qualitative Analysis of Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Palestine, 2017:
Report: SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, A Qualitative Analysis of Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Palestine, 2017:
BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale – alustava ettevõtja käsiraamatu. Käsiraamat julgustab samm-sammu haaval läbi mõtlema ettevõtlusega alustamise etapid alates ettevõtjaks olemise plussidest ja miinustest kuni äriplaani koostamise ja äriidee esitlemiseni välja. Raamatus on toodud ettevõtjate edulugusid, mis innustavad ja inspireerivad alustavat ettevõtjat. Käsiraamatus on ka toetavaid sõnu sotsiaalse…
The new Deloitte Social Investment Leveraging Index (DSILI) developed by Deloitte in partnership with EVPA and GSEN provides arguments on why investing for impact through social investment may yield significant social returns in Central and Eastern Europe. Showcasing the social investment leverage across the four sub-regions in CEE (the Balkans, South Eastern Europe, the Baltics and the Visegrad Countries),…
In times of economic uncertainty, it is easy to think that it is ‘impossible’ for anybody to make money. This is complete nonsense and the exact kind of thinking that new entrepreneurs should steer clear of. It is a poverty-based mindset that looks to respond defensively to conditions instead of looking for profit opportunities in all conditions. To…
HP LIFE is a free, skills-training program for entrepreneurs, business owners, and lifelong learners all over the world. These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Besides a variety of extremely useful topics, one of the courses is specifically dedicated to social entrepreneurship….
After many online expert meetings, research among social entrepreneurs and research of good practices from the world of social entrepreneurship, we present you the Guide to Starting a Social Business. The Social Business Startup Guide contains guidelines on where to start when you want to get into social entrepreneurship, what to research, what to start…
What Social Enterprise Is Social enterprise is, about using a market-driven business model to address critical social and environmental issues. Many people believe that a fundamental element of social enterprise – is collective ownership. Until we come up with a broader term than “social enterprise”, some would advocate for a broad interpretation that does not limit…
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