New report on youth entrepreneurship in Baltic Sea Region countries
Project “Entrepreneurial mindset development within youth sector” (ENT-MIND) was started in September 2017. The main objective of the project was to research the available support and existing culture of entrepreneurial mindset among young people in the Baltic Sea Region countries and propose new methodologies and relevant tools that would contribute to development of entrepreneurial mindset of youth. Now the work in this project has been finished and the main project output – report “Entrepreneurial mindset development within youth sector. Current and future trends for an entrepreneurial society” is available for everyone who is interested in this in-depth analysis of the current situation of the Baltic Sea Region countries.
Report looks into the specifics of each country by providing general overview of entrepreneurial activities and support organizations in five Baltic Sea Region countries: Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The analysis of this report was conducted using the content analysis method by assessing the available documents and reports in each country. Moreover, in order to provide more elaborate overview, each project partner conducted an online questionnaire for young people with the aim to get youngsters’ opinion on such aspects as entrepreneurial mindset perception and personal attributes to become an entrepreneur as well as their opinion on the level of support that the specific country provides in the field of youth entrepreneurship development. Data collected from the questionnaires is applied in the analysis of the existing situation within partner countries and serves as a good method to display the views of the target group of this project – young people. Report also indicates the success stories by describing initiatives undertaken by young people in various fields of entrepreneurship – digital technology, finance, e-commerce, food production and many others. Analysis of this report concludes with the overview of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and possible threats regarding the overall entrepreneurial mindset and available support in the five Baltic Sea Region countries, indicating that there are great deal of initiatives undertaken in all partner countries in this field, however more support and, what is very important – more sustainability of the efforts is needed in order to ensure consistent development of youth entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.
Click here to download full report in English:Entrepreneurial mindset development within youth sector. Current and future trends for an entrepreneurial society
Project ENT-MIND and work for the report “Entrepreneurial mindset development within youth sector. Current and future trends for an entrepreneurial society” was lead by South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences from Finland in cooperation with Social Innovation Centre and Latvijas Jauno uzņēmēju centrs “Jobs&Society” from Latvia, Inovacijų biuras from Lithuania and Nordic Association for Social Innovation from Sweden.