Impact StartUp in the Nordic countries
Den Sociale Kapitalfond (DSK) is a large danish social impact investment fund. DSK is currently working together with five Nordic partners with the ambition to create the world’s strongest impact startup environment, where social entrepreneurs are supported to unfold their social business models and where they are provided with seed capital from impact investors.
The Nordic welfare model has proved to be a strong system to solve many social problems, but today the nordic countries also face new and different challenges. A strong ecosystem of innovative social entrepreneurs would be able to help solve these challenges.
Thats why DSK wants to help support social entrepreneurs through participation in the “Impact StartUp” accelerator program, where social entrepreneurs can receive intensive and individually adapted business development counseling.
The intensive part of the programme would lasts six months, followed by a 12-month follow-up course. During the programme social entrepreneurs would also be able to qualify for a Nordic master class course, where they can meet like-minded Nordic social entrepreneurs and where they are shown Nordic market possibilities.
All accelerator programmes are completed with a pitch day towards Nordic impact investors.
The joint Nordic Impact StartUp has been developed based on the experience from the Social Start Up Program, that DSK has run in Denmark some years back.
A programme that has brought a lot of positive effects to many danish social entrerpreneurs, in terms of developing their social business model.
The model behind the joint Nordic Impact StartUp
Nordic countries have an emerging environment of social entrepreneurs, that want take a social responsibility.
Through an accelerator program the joint initiative can
Level 1) help social entrepreneurs strengthen their business and integrate a social bottom line into the business model. At the same time, more and more investors are focusing on impact investments. In the project, the initiative bring the parties together in what is called an “InvestorLab”
Level 2) where investors can help startups scale and create increased impact.
Level 3) The vision of the joint project is the project’s is to help develop welfare and welfare solutions in the Nordic countries .
About Den Sociale Kapital Fund
Den Sociale Kapitalfond is a danish impact investment fund. DSK invests capital and skills in companies and organisations which help solve social problems. The Fund was set up by Trygfonden and Lars Jannick Johansen in 2011 and it is headed by a group of partners. The Fund is driven by the determination to make a positive difference.
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