
Social economy in area of tourism? Why not!

The Galar Gdanski Foundation was founded in 2018 to activate people from social exclusion, nurturing Polish culture and national heritage,  and promoting the history of Gdańsk.


In  2018, the Galar Gdanski Foundation started a new tourist service – CityTour – “Galar along with Gdansk”. In 2019 we launched a new route – “Galar along with shipyard” – as the only commercial unit in Gdańsk we offer tours of strictly shipyard waters. The cruises take place on replicas of historical wooden boats from 17th century, which for 400 years was sailing on the Motława River with all the goods, such as coal, salt, soap, grain etc.


In 2019 We started professional internships for youth from the child care home. We provide them with all necessary training and give work during the holiday season as a skipper. In 2020, we want to expand our project by activating seniors as mentors for young people. The seniors and youth will make a boat crew. We expect young people to get good practices by working with seniors and to draw from their huge life experience.

Our future plans are to build a living museum of boatbuilding.

In 2019, as the only one organization in the region, we were awarded by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy the 2019 Quality Mark of Social and Solidarity Economy in the Debut of the Year category.

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MISSION – We are residents of the Tri-City who want to develop tourism and promote their region, educate and activate residents mainly based on Galar cruises and create space for employment by people at risk of social exclusion. In our activities, we are guided by openness, partner cooperation, creativity and social solidarity.

More information about the Foundation’s activities can be found at www.galar.org.pl and www.facebook.com/GalarGdanski.

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We hope that the presented social businesses will encourage you to start your social economy-related activity. If you wish to know more about our “InDigiSE” Erasmus+ project or you would like to your social business initiative to be promoted on the website, just let us know. You can contact BISER Team or any other IndigiSe partner in your area https://socialenterprisebsr.net/partners/. You can read more about the project here: https://biser-en.org.pl/indigise-project-adjusting-to-and-supporting-youth-on-socialenterprisebsr-net/

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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