Social entrepreneurship teaching resources handbook
Social entrepreneurship education has grown dramatically from the first class taught at Harvard University by Dr. Greg Dees in the mid 1990’s and the first European course at the University of Geneva in Switzerland co-taught by Maximilian Martin and Pamela Hartigan from the Schwab Foundation in 2003. This book will be of great help to everyone embarking on path of social entrepreneurship education or research. Namely, the comprehensive listing of exemplary social entrepreneurship programs, majors and minors from around the globe will give a great insight in the variety of options.
Main chapters of the book include:
- Social entrepreneurship pedagogy
- Social entrepreneurship research
- Social entrepreneurs in action
- Social entrepreneurship networks
- Global social entrepreneurship faculty director
The full book is available below:
This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.