The EU Pact for Skills – Skills partnership for the Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem
Today we recommend another great reading and educational material on the social economy – The EU Pact for Skills – Skills partnership for the Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem.
While it has been severely affected by the COVID-19 crisis, the proximity and social economy ecosystem has shown a particular resilience and a great potential to help the EU’s economic and social recovery as a whole, as its very raison d’être is to address economic, environmental and societal challenges in the most inclusive and innovative ways. This ecosystem is crucial to ensure a fair and inclusive recovery and to act as a catalyser of just transitions. With their deep local footprint and their approach based on collective governance and cooperation, social economy organisations (e.g. cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, including charities, social enterprises), impact investors (e.g. foundations, impact funds), microfinance, ethical and cooperative banks, and other legal forms which are specific to some Member States traditions, provide an excellent opportunity to develop and engage in partnerships. Many of these organisations are active in the field of skills development. Some of them focus on reskilling, upskilling and facilitating access to labour market. Others encourage social economy entrepreneurship and social innovation to address societal challenges and strive for developing entire new markets. This broad spectrum of activities makes them key in the EU’s future skills development. The social economy has a long and proven track record of labour market inclusion and is at the same time an important vector for an inclusive green and digital transition. To ensure the social economy can continue creating inclusive employment, there is a need to reskill its own workforce taking into account in particular the green and digital transitions. To remain competitive and to meet their economic and social responsibilities, the industry needs to invest significantly in the re/upskilling of its workforce.
Read the full material here:
This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.