Outlook of social entrepreneurship in Portugal
Recently colleagues from Portugal have published a comprehensive report covering social entrepreneurship in their country.
You can access the full report here.
Social Entrepreneurship Network in the Baltic Sea Region
The youth will be the leaders of the country and the determinants of the continuity of government in the future. Malaysia now has many young entrepreneurs, but not all young entrepreneurs have basic knowledge in entrepreneurship and apply social entrepreneurship theory while running their businesses. The study’s findings show that the level of entrepreneurial literacy and the level of social…
EUROCITIES has prepared a publication on the role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship. The report has analyzed good practices from 11 cities across the EU, among those Goteborg and Malmö. The report looks into the tools cities use to promote support the social economy – funding, network of social economy actors, infrastructure and impact…
Promoting products on various internet platforms and social media channels has become a common practice for both regular businesses and social enterprises. While these methods may work very well for marketing and sales purposes, real-life meeting and networking events offer a completely different experience – entrepreneurs and producers are able to share their experiences and…
A long-awaited package to promote the social economy across the European Union was unveiled yesterday – with onlookers hailing it as “radical” and “passionate”. The EU’s Social Economy Action Plan sets out a raft of proposals for 2022-2030, and is its first major policy in this field since the Social Business Initiative of 2011. It aims to…
Airbnb’s Social Impact Experiences were recently launched in Edinburgh and London, with ambitious plans to expand further throughout 2018. Are they a potentially lucrative opportunity for social enterprises? Anna Patton from Pioneer Post explores:
The President of the Commission mandated the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, with developing a European Action Plan for Social Economy. The 2021 Commission Work Programme announced that the publication date for the Action Plan would be the fourth quarter of 2021. It also highlights that the Action Plan will enhance social investment, support social economy…
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