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Guide to Social Entrepreneurship and Cultural Events – Youth in Focus

The project “Prosoa Rural – Promoting Social Awareness in Rural Area” aims to develop materials that support educators in rural training centers so that they can transmit these values to young people. The materials prepared are based on a methodology focused on the promotion of active participation and social entrepreneurship linked to the conservation of Cultural Heritage and Traditions at local, regional, national and European level.

The project partners have developed training module that aims to promote the initiative and social entrepreneurship of young people based on Cultural Heritage and Traditions Through this module, young people can be trained in and develop entrepreneurial skills, with the aim that they can be people with a greater social initiative, capable of generating activities and / or businesses related to Cultural Heritage, and their conservation. In addition to generating greater high-quality skills for young people, it contributes to a greater possibility of initiatives arising in rural environments that conserve the cultural heritage of small rural municipalities.

The main objectives of this training module:

  • Raise social awareness among young people in rural areas.
  • Improve the entrepreneurship skills of young people.
  • Promote social entrepreneurship among young people in rural areas.
  • Create a greater commitment and awareness about the necessity of conserving the Cultural Heritage and the Traditions.





Source: https://capacitybuildingecocs.eu/news/guide-social-entrepreneurship-and-cultural-events



This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.


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