
Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions

We make transition! collected a variety of inspiring success stories of “civil society making sustainability transitions”. Case studies are related to social sustainability, circular economy, biodiversity, sustainable food and lifestyle from the Baltic Sea region. The case studies provide an outlook on the power of creative people and initiatives revealing the fundamental value of active civil society for social innovations. At the same time, the case studies show how crucial the pioneering role of civil society in enhancing sustainability can be. All case studies are widely respected examples of people who act according to their values and persistently strive for good communication and cooperation with the public sector and other stakeholders. This requires openness, listening skills and active role of the public authorities as well. Some cases have turned into business or projects from which people can make their living. This publication gathers the best examples from six Baltic Sea region countries. We hope that it raises discussion, learning and respect among transnational cooperators, national, regional and local authorities, decisionmakers, civil society & business actors and the general public.

Find inspirational cases here.

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