Connecting creativity and ecology in social commitment projects

Connecting creativity and ecology in social commitment projects

MAMYWENE studio is an organization based in the grounds of the old shipyard in Gdańsk Poland, run by two energetic women. The studio specializes in ecological and participatory activities, creating social commitment projects and interesting workshops. It also helps with employee integration and implementation of the assumptions of corporate social responsibility. MAMYWENE aims at showing…

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs: An Exchange for Entrepreneurially-minded Individuals

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs: An Exchange for Entrepreneurially-minded Individuals

Although pandemic restrictions leave a footprint on all travel plans, entrepreneurs shape their business concepts and business plans! This is a preparation time for lifetime professional adventures and the programme Erasmus for Youth Entrepreneurs cannot be missed out…! What it is? Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a project initiated by the EU. It aims to…

Milanote: for Brainstorming and Ideation
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Milanote: for Brainstorming and Ideation

You know that the most inspiring ideas come to your mind when working with like-minded, trustful teammates in a light room with the walls full of colorful stickers, painted arrows, inspiring pictures and a buzzy atmosphere. Working from home cannot substitute this climate, however… there is one idea of how to organize (or disorganize) your ideation…

Get to know the HS Prekursor Social Cooperative from Warmia and Masuria region, Poland!

Get to know the HS Prekursor Social Cooperative from Warmia and Masuria region, Poland!

The HS Prekursor Social Cooperative was established on the initiative of the Wydminy Commune, (Warmia and Masuria region in North-East Poland) and the Forum NGO’S association. They operate in both the business and social areas since 2017. HS Prekursor is a multi-industry cooperative dealing with: – care services for the elderly in their place of…

Design a Striking SWOT Analysis with Canva. SWOT analysis templates
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Design a Striking SWOT Analysis with Canva. SWOT analysis templates

SWOT is the leading online SWOT Analysis tool, template, and platform to help you build and execute a winning strategy. When it comes to building a strategic vision, a SWOT analysis is a crucial first step. It’s an important step for businesses and organizations to gain insights into their internal and external core strengths, weaknesses,…

Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda
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Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda

Social Entrepreneurship (SE) is a popular area of research and practice. An analysis of the existing literature reviews on SE reveals a dearth of studies classifying the existing SE literature into multiple research themes and further presenting popular and less popular research themes. With the aim of bridging this gap, this study presents a systematic review of 188…

How to be a social entrepreneur?
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How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt][/embedyt] Andy Stoll –  a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is one of the largest entrepeneurship & education – support foundations in the world….