Recap on Baltic – UK Social Entrepreneurship Forum

Recap on Baltic – UK Social Entrepreneurship Forum

On June 4th the first Baltic – UK Social Entrepreneurship Forum took place. In this phygital* event a row of social entrepreneurs, as well as the government officials shared their stories and knowledge about the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in their respective countries. Throughout the day it allowed not only to find out more about the current…

The Best Podcast for Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers
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The Best Podcast for Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers

Through The Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Podcast delivered by Grow Ensemble, host Cory Ames and his expert guests shed light on social entrepreneurship, discussing the experience of running, growing, and sustaining successful sustainable businesses, social enterprises, and nonprofits. Episodes explore a range of topics about the missions and causes these businesses have ingrained into their operations, as well as their successes…

Fantastic webinar with best practices from social enterprises made by Interreg Europe

Fantastic webinar with best practices from social enterprises made by Interreg Europe

In our SENBS2 project, our aim is to contribute to the share of best practice and knowledge on social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region. We wish to present to you great examples from European colleagues, examples gathered by Interreg Europe Programme and presented in 2020 via webinar: “Business support schemes for social enterprises”. Read the…

How to be a social entrepreneur?
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How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt][/embedyt] Andy Stoll –  a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is one of the largest entrepeneurship & education – support foundations in the world….

Am I a Social Entrepreneur?  Jason Aviles
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Am I a Social Entrepreneur?
Jason Aviles

Youtube video is here. Are you a social entrepreneur? Jason Aviles, born and raised in The Bronx, tells his inspiring story of working professionally with youth and what lead him to adopting a Yoga lifestyle and transforming his life. While on his journey of service and self discovery, he takes a moment to reflect on…