Connecting creativity and ecology in social commitment projects

Connecting creativity and ecology in social commitment projects

MAMYWENE studio is an organization based in the grounds of the old shipyard in Gdańsk Poland, run by two energetic women. The studio specializes in ecological and participatory activities, creating social commitment projects and interesting workshops. It also helps with employee integration and implementation of the assumptions of corporate social responsibility. MAMYWENE aims at showing…

How to be a social entrepreneur?
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How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt][/embedyt] Andy Stoll –  a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is one of the largest entrepeneurship & education – support foundations in the world….

Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program
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Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program

Meet Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, incubation Program that Supports Social Entrepreneurs on their Journey From Planning to Implementation as well as offering online courses and consultations. Their members in co-operation with The CARe Network offer special support for individuals and organizations active in recovery oriented mental health care developing sustainable e-services. pic © His founder Zsolt…

Apie socialinio verslo geruosius pavyzdžius
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Apie socialinio verslo geruosius pavyzdžius

Lietuvoje jau turime nemažai sėkmingai veikiančių socialinio verslo pavyzdžių ir įdomių iniciatyvų.  Vienas iš jų –  jau aštuntasis BiZzZ’19 Socialinio verslo ir inovacinų festivalis , vykęs rugpjūčio 17 d. inovatorių slėnyje, Zarasuosų rajone. Šių metų festivalio  tema – darnaus vystymosi  keturi tikslai: skurdo mažinimas, darnūs miestai ir bendruomenės, nelygybės mažinimas, klimato kaita. Pateikiame kai kurias …

The change makers

The change makers

Social entrepreneurs are also known as change makers. Why? What makes a social entrepreneur a change agent? To facilitate change because of the necessity that it implies, social entrepreneurs are purpose and results driven.   Change makers To make change happen is an interesting concept unto itself. Social entrepreneurs are activists at heart. Where they…

Clarifying your mission and purpose
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Clarifying your mission and purpose

What’s your mission and purpose? For a social entrepreneur it’s a calling, if you will. A call within that is a culmination of life circumstances that strikes a chord of not-being-able-to-sit-back-anymore…something needs to change.  Your mission and purpose is born.   What’s a mission or purpose I believe everyone has a purpose in their life….