Green Care -based wellbeing services and impact? How to.
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Green Care -based wellbeing services and impact? How to.

Natural Resource Center in Finland has published learning materials and a workbook about modelling and measuring your wellbeing service’s impact. The materials are available in Finnish. The workbook is part of a wider impact program aimed to service providers who provide green care -based wellbeing services. The materials state that impact modelling, measurement and communication…

Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland
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Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland

We highly recommend the latest article from the OECD with the case study examines the Pomorskie local entrepreneurship ecosystem and regional smart specialisation approach. It identifies bottlenecks and enablers in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem and makes policy recommendations on how to further strengthen local entrepreneurship and industrial renewal. The case study offers a number of…

How to Stop Procrastination: A social entrepreneur’s toolkit
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How to Stop Procrastination: A social entrepreneur’s toolkit

How to stop procrastination? Through action. Procrastination is the child of endless excuses of why something cannot be done. I’m sure, if prompted one could come up with a whole list of reasons “why not something won’t succeed“ or “why it’s not worth doing”. The remedy: it’s the active doing that will ‘break the spell’…

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

During the webinar, the guidelines and recommendations of the amended program of assistance for socially and professionally excluded persons addressed to social employment entities and NGOs were discussed, as well as the rules of the “From exclusion to activation” competition announced by the Department of Social and Solidarity Economy at the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social…

Growth for the Common Good? Learnings from social enterprises’ growth process
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Growth for the Common Good? Learnings from social enterprises’ growth process

For those readers interested in research, there’s a new juicy read from Finland. Saila Tykkyläinen’s doctoral theses about social enterprise growth has just been published. The researcher has been following up and analyzing the growth of 7 Finnish social enterprises of different business fields over the period of 5 years. Here’s a short overview on the…



Polecamy artykuł Jana BRZÓSKI z Politechniki Śląskiej,  Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania Instytut Zarządzania i Administracji : MODELE BIZNESU A WYKORZYSTANIE INNOWACJI W PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWACH SPOŁECZNYCH   Streszczenie. Wsparcie umożliwiające rozwój sektora ekonomii społecznej w UE jest związane z pomocą dla grup społecznie wykluczonych i walką z bezrobociem. Specyfika podmiotów ekonomii społecznej w stosunku do przedsiębiorstw konkurencyjnej gospodarki wynika…

The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach
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The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach

We recommend the article by Norbert Laurisz, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Public Economy and Administration, University of Economics in Krakow, 27 Rakowicka St., 31-510 Krakow, Poland; The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach Abstract: The aim of this article is to explore key changes in the…

Presentation on social economy support system in Poland
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Presentation on social economy support system in Poland

Presentation: Social entrepreneurship – investments from the ESF in Poland by Aleksandra Dmitruk, Deputy Director, ESF Management Department.   National Programme for Social Economy Development (NSPED) The social economy support system in Poland has two main components: (1) Creating “environment” for SEE creation and growth including soft support by country-wide Social Economy Support Units (2)…