The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises
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The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises

Znaczenie edukacji dla strategii rozwoju podmiotów ekonomii społecznej The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises Author(s): Grażyna Krzyminiewska Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Economic policy, Socio-Economic Research Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Keywords: social economy; education; Summary/Abstract: The paper The Meaning of Education for Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises Focuses on education as…

SPOKO – Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy in Poland

SPOKO – Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy in Poland

Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy. SPOKO is a new project on the social and business market of Pomerania. It was created out of the need to help others and support the activities of non-governmental organizations that engage in the creation of the social economy sector. The gift sets we…


Materials from teh 7th EMES International Conference are available online

EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers whose goal has been so far to gradually build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around our Social Enterprise concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy and social innovation. The 7th EMES…


EMES launched podcasts on Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers whose goal has been so far to gradually build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around our “SE” concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy, and social innovation. Podcasts have proven to…

Social enterprise learning materials from Visenet
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Social enterprise learning materials from Visenet

Ruralia Institute in Finland is currently working on a project,  which aims to create social enterprise learning materials, guidance and networking. Visenet – Village social enterprise learning material, guidance and networking  aims to (amongst others) enhance the ideas and methods to promote and support social entrepreneurship in rural areas by creating an open access digital learning…

Educational module “Social entrepreneur’s competencies and mindset”
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Educational module “Social entrepreneur’s competencies and mindset”

In August this year, Social innovation center from Latvia are completing a two-year project with the support of Nordplus Adult Education Program “Boosting Key Mindset for Successful Social Business Development”, which is being implemented with partners from Lithuania and Sweden. The main objective of this project was to study the existing mindset and competency situation…

APMĀCĪBU MODULIS Sociālā uzņēmēja prasmes un domāšanas veids
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APMĀCĪBU MODULIS Sociālā uzņēmēja prasmes un domāšanas veids

Uzņēmējdarbība, pielietojot inovācijas ar mērķi veicināt ekonomisko izaugsmi, darbojas kā pasaules dzinējspēks. Iepretim sociālie uzņēmēji,  atpazīstot sociālu problēmu un tās risināšanai pielietojot uzņēmējdarbības principus, tiecas radīt, organizēt un pārvaldīt pārmaiņas sabiedrībā. Tomēr bez atbilstošām spējām un prasmēm tiem, kas vēlas kļūt par sociālajiem uzņēmējiem, ir apgrūtinoši risnāt sociālas problēmas un sasniegt savus mērķus. Šis mācību…

UTBILDNINGS MODUL Kompetenser och tänkesätt för sociala företagare
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UTBILDNINGS MODUL Kompetenser och tänkesätt för sociala företagare

Företagare i näringslivet fungerar som motorer för tillväxt, genom att utnyttja innovation som bränsle för deras ekonomiska tillväxt. Sociala entreprenörer däremot är individer som känner igen ett socialt problem och använder sina entreprenöriella principer till att organisera, skapa och hantera en satsning för att göra social förändring. Utan färdigigheter och relevanta kompetenser är det dock…

MOKYMO MODULIS Socialinių verslininkų kompetencija ir mąstysena
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MOKYMO MODULIS Socialinių verslininkų kompetencija ir mąstysena

Verslininkai biznio pasaulyje veikia kaip varikliai, panaudodami inovacijas, kurios skatina ekonominę pažangą. Nors socialiniai verslininkai yra asmenys, kurie pripažįsta socialinę problemą ir naudojasi verslumo principais, kurdami ir valdydami socialinius pokyčius, tačiau be įgūdžių ir atitinkamų kompetencijų tiems, kurie nori tapti socialiniu verslininku, sunku pasiekti savo tikslus sprendžiant socialinę problemą. Šis mokymo modulis skirtas daugiausia suaugusiųjų…