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- Proposal Outline


Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

SPOKO – Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy in Poland

Original gift sets for your company to support the social economy. https://www.jestesmyspoko.pl/en/ SPOKO is [...]

By |Blog, Polish|0 Comments

Materials from teh 7th EMES International Conference are available online

EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers [...]

EMES launched podcasts on Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers [...]

Social enterprise learning materials from Visenet

Ruralia Institute in Finland is currently working on a project,  which aims to [...]

Flow State – a social entrepreneur’s ideal mindset

Being in a flow state is the epitome of being in a state [...]

Educational module “Social entrepreneur’s competencies and mindset”

In August this year, Social innovation center from Latvia are completing a two-year [...]

APMĀCĪBU MODULIS Sociālā uzņēmēja prasmes un domāšanas veids

Uzņēmējdarbība, pielietojot inovācijas ar mērķi veicināt ekonomisko izaugsmi, darbojas kā pasaules dzinējspēks. Iepretim [...]

UTBILDNINGS MODUL Kompetenser och tänkesätt för sociala företagare

Företagare i näringslivet fungerar som motorer för tillväxt, genom att utnyttja innovation som [...]

MOKYMO MODULIS Socialinių verslininkų kompetencija ir mąstysena

Verslininkai biznio pasaulyje veikia kaip varikliai, panaudodami inovacijas, kurios skatina ekonominę pažangą. Nors [...]

Alla pratar om det, men få gör det

Om Mötesplats Social Innovation Mötesplats Social Innovation är den samlande nationella kunskapsnoden för [...]