Developing Social Entrepreneurship in the EU: A Cross-Country Analysis

Developing Social Entrepreneurship in the EU: A Cross-Country Analysis

The development of the European social model rests on the concept of social entrepreneurship. The concept has a significant contribution to the development of the European social economy. Social entrepreneurship has a remarkable potential, through its innovative solutions, to play an indispensable role in the social cohesion of EU Member States. The development of social…

The Rexel Foundation’s joint-skills Platform for social entrepreneurship
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The Rexel Foundation’s joint-skills Platform for social entrepreneurship

The purpose of the social innovation Platform is to boost innovative social models that improve access to energy efficiency. The joint-skills Platform for social entrepreneurship is a collaborative work tool to drive the adoption of energy efficient practices: Identify social innovations in France and Europe Accompany and support the initiatives of social entrepreneurs Provide a place for…

The Impact in Palanga is Turned ON: 7 New Social Businesses Have Emerged
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The Impact in Palanga is Turned ON: 7 New Social Businesses Have Emerged

Last weekend the social business sprint “Turn the Impact ON” took place in the sunny resort of Palanga, Klaipėda region, where no less than 7 new social businesses emerged victorious and now will continue on creating innovative solutions to important social problems in Lithuania. These businesses also won an invitation to the social business accelerator…

Design a Striking SWOT Analysis with Canva. SWOT analysis templates
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Design a Striking SWOT Analysis with Canva. SWOT analysis templates

SWOT is the leading online SWOT Analysis tool, template, and platform to help you build and execute a winning strategy. When it comes to building a strategic vision, a SWOT analysis is a crucial first step. It’s an important step for businesses and organizations to gain insights into their internal and external core strengths, weaknesses,…

Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda
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Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda

Social Entrepreneurship (SE) is a popular area of research and practice. An analysis of the existing literature reviews on SE reveals a dearth of studies classifying the existing SE literature into multiple research themes and further presenting popular and less popular research themes. With the aim of bridging this gap, this study presents a systematic review of 188…

“Hidden aspects of social entrepreneurship’s life: a content analysis”
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“Hidden aspects of social entrepreneurship’s life: a content analysis”

What defines and motivates a social entrepreneur? As part of the InDigiSE Erasmus+ project we would like to draw your attention to this scholarly article by Ruchita Pangriya, who aims at explaining social entrepreneur’s profile and his/her motivation to run a social business.   ‘Hidden aspects of social entrepreneurs’ life: a content analysis’ by Ruchita…

Proposed Article: Drivers toward Social Entrepreneurs Engagement in Poland: An Institutional Approach
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Proposed Article: Drivers toward Social Entrepreneurs Engagement in Poland: An Institutional Approach

We hope that the proposed scholarly article related to social businesses will help you to find the necessary information in order to start your social economy-related activity. If you wish to know more about our “InDigiSE” Erasmus+ project or you would like to your social business initiative to be promoted on the website, just let us know….

European social economy regions pilot (ESER)

European social economy regions pilot (ESER)

European Commission launched the European social economy regions pilot (ESER) in February 2018. It aims to raise visibility and awareness about the social economy at the regional and local level. ESER supports regional authorities that organise awareness-raising events. There, we encourage regional social economy stakeholders (regional/local public authorities, SMEs, social enterprises etc.) to build active networks….

How to be a social entrepreneur?
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How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt][/embedyt] Andy Stoll –  a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is one of the largest entrepeneurship & education – support foundations in the world….