
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Knowledge library linking social innovators and other stakeholders in society to solve the challenges

Mother opens bakery to help son and others with special needs find employment

A common concern for parents of children with disabilities is what will happen [...]

Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland

We highly recommend the latest article from the OECD with the case study [...]

There is a different phenomenon occurring: Instead of technology innovation being the driver for startups, it is more frequently business model innovation.

In the past most startups occurred because a new technology had come along [...]

It matters how your business model and mission statement is articulated

Scholars from Lappeenranta University have been researching social enterprise business models for years. [...]

Why values are important

Why are values important because they define you (and your social enterprise). They [...]

How to Stop Procrastination: A social entrepreneur’s toolkit

How to stop procrastination? Through action. Procrastination is the child of endless excuses [...]

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

During the webinar, the guidelines and recommendations of the amended program of assistance for [...]

“The Sedge” ideas for social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship differs from regular business with its higher goal– while classical companies [...]

Interesting business model from UrbanLab Gdynia

  UrbanLab Gdynia is a space. On one hand, it is a forum [...]

On the way to more innovative, collaborative and inclusive cities

All around the world urbanization is shaping the ways how societies live and [...]